everybody thought she was going to win you dont get a cookie for that. you get no further bars either because you were one dummies on here that couldnt understand progress still could be made under her presidency. hopefully you all start to think a little more logically in the future instead of thinking a hillary presidency is the same as a trump presidency based on the sole fact that neither of them represent exactly what you want
I'd agree with an argument that she's better based on her starting from the center right instead of the far right like Trump for the pragmatic vote. But conjuring some type of apocalyptic scenario to support a socially liberal war monger doesn't compute. Olbermann used to be the man too, damn shame.
I'm not as optimistic. But I'm not saying Trump should be president I'm just saying don't expect Hillary to bend because the "left is right." She doesn't care about that shyt. We're in a lose lose regardless, and people on the left need to realize that instead of fearing people into voting for Hillary. There's a reason Bill deregulated Wall Street and pushed NAFTA. There's a reason Hillary voted for the Iraq War and was giving speeches to Wall Street without a care. There's a reason Obama is pushing TPP with no remorse.
You don't fight these people because it doesn't lead anywhere. You disqualify them from the jump. And if you can't do that then you move to another party because they have no interest in your ideals. The Clinton's are the worse thing to ever happen to lefty politics. They've turned the party into a cesspool of corruption and identity politics to where even though she's awful every media outlet, corporation, world government, thinker, and citizen has to support her because they were able to finesse a fascist as the opposition.
Like I've said many times though, I hope I'm completely wrong and progressives push her to better the country. I'll gladly take that L about Hillary any day![]()
There's progressive risings happening all over the world because of what's been going down for 30 years. And it's not just because people can't adjust to a service economy or globalism. They're starting to slowly see through things. Even if they're placing blame at the wrong things like Trump supporters and Brexit they known something is not right. Bernie drew in more than just left wingers too.
All I'm saying is if the Dems want to be on the right side of things they better play ball and pop that Washington bubble before its too late.
You can ignore me all you want. But there's proof in my history here. I don't trust the Democrats and will call them out for the bs. But I have nothing nice to say about about the GOP and would prefer a Democratic presidency any day. But that does not mean I'm just gonna sit here and play a Bakari Sellers gimmick like you and pretend nothing is wrong with the party.
Right now you're in the running for the WOAT if it wasn't for some pretty awful alt-right trolls. You bring nothing to table past stanning for establishment Dems during election season. And since that's over, see you in 2 years when you're back to relevancy.