Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III your next Attorney General: Senate Confirmations 1/11

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
my solution was to keep trump from winning in the first place

Well, he won. This is the reality. So if you have no ideas or solutions beyond looking to the past and hoping things went differently, either zip it or develop a spirit of resistance and fight for change and advancement.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Well, he won. This is the reality. So if you have no ideas or solutions beyond looking to the past and hoping things went differently, either zip it or develop a spirit of resistance and fight for change and advancement.
if only you thought that way the day after bernie lost instead of praying for hillary to lose to get your revolution popping. you and i have different ideas off top so aint no point in having a serious conversation with someone that actively wants bad things to happen to the black community so they can "ban together and get the revolution started"

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
if only you thought that way the day after bernie lost instead of praying for hillary to lose to get your revolution popping. you and i have different ideas off top so aint no point in having a serious conversation with someone that actively wants bad things to happen to the black community so they can "ban together and get the revolution started"

I was still coming with ideas after Bernie lost, I wasn't resigned to giving up on life like you are :mjlol: Was I focused less on electoral politics after the loss? Sure. But that's not the same as withdrawing and submitting to fascism :mjlol:

Lol @ your simplistic rendering of my argument.

Get mad because people rejected or weren't motivated by your brand of weak liberalism brehs.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
I was still coming with ideas after Bernie lost, I wasn't resigned to giving up on life like you are :mjlol: Was I focused less on electoral politics after the loss? Sure. But that's not the same as withdrawing and submitting to fascism :mjlol:

Lol @ your simplistic rendering of my argument.

Get mad because people rejected or weren't motivated by your brand of weak liberalism brehs.
your ideas included trump winning to get your revolution popping :mjlol: you get no more bars, good luck with your revolution, you got tons to work with right now just like you wanted

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
your ideas included trump winning to get your revolution popping :mjlol: you get no more bars, good luck with your revolution, you got tons to work with right now just like you wanted

Sit on the sidelines while neofascists take over cuz your neoliberal savior didn't win brehs


Apr 30, 2012
fukk out of here. you were one of the many bernie stans on here mad when he lost and somehow felt a hillary loss was a win for bernie in the end. you should have been following your savior when he was supporting hillary instead of trying to find solutions now that trump is president. yall were too busy bashing people who recognized the obvious from day one that hillary was a better option than trump. i told you dummies for months that the progressive movement was gonna be popping regardless and that having trump as a president would be idiotic if you wanted to get anything progressive done. but yall were too busy focusing on hillary losing to recognize the obvious

imma stay on you dummies necks because this is exactly what you wanted. the day after bernie lost yall were praying for a Hillary L. yall knew what a hillary L meant and you are getting exactly what you wanted
You have no proof of your claims that I wanted Hillary to lose. Since you're a lazy fool and have no proof of the claims you make against me here are some select quotes throughout this year with my views on Bernie, Hillary, Trump and if her losing was a "good thing."

We'll see he has a shot to win but he's easily the worst candidate I've ever seen. The establishment is just so fukked that he shines.

After Brexit which pretty much foreshadowed what Hillary ignored which was a raging white working class.
If there weren't as many minorities in the US I'd think Trump could win the presidency now :mjlol:

But he still can regardless of that :skip:

Pointing out Hillary's shift to the right was a bad move.
There's been alot of news of Hillary trying to court and concede to the right jumping away from Trump but to me that's the wrong move. If conservatives are going to go for Clinton then they need to wake up and realize they fukked up and aren't guaranteed a damn thing. But knowing Hillary and how Obama conceded on things like the Patriot Act and the Bush Tax cuts we're for sure gonna see some concessions to the right if they come out for Clinton.

Also I'm still waiting for Krugman to call Hillary out for now supporting everything Bernie did during the primary but conveniently that's not on his current agenda, maybe he'll get to it later :ehh:

Even still I thought she would win pretty easily.
She'll win by 4-5 points which is still pretty much a beatdown.

No, I did not think the GOP winning anything was a good idea to "wake people up."

I pretty much was always saying Hillary would win the primary and was never "upset" he lost. I always though his chances of winning were not covered correctly by the media.
Looking like a Clinton win unless Bernie gets a huge closing rush.

And I was right here claiming that the DNC should listen to Bernie and focus more on the working class instead of just pretending to care.
He's said this since the beginning, not really surprising.

The hilarious thing is everyone thinking Bernie is this cult figure that has people hanging on his every word when he's really just the best voice for an important message. If Hillary doesn't hear Bernie out on shifting alot of the DNC focus to progressive views then people aren't just gonna hop on board :mjlol:

If they want to win they'll have to try. But I'm thinking in their arrogance they'll give lip service but continue to march right back to the center because that's what wins with their base.

So everybody is saying that they won't go against Obama but Hillary already has said she won't support TPP so to voters minds there is already a rift. To have Hillary's people not oppose or favor it in the platform basically says she will turn cover her eyes or support it while it gets passed.

This type of p*ssy shyt is why the Democratic party ain't worth a damn besides playing identity politics to win the executive branch and Senate seats.

Me predicting that Kaine as VP won't inspire the downticket.
The Dems think this is the ticket that's gonna win back congress :bryan:

I'm sorry I wasn't parading around here like some lame ass Washington elite. Sorry for pointing out the flaws in Hillary candidacy instead of just bowing down. But I never made claims that she should have lost or that I was mad that Bernie lost. All I did was warn people like you that she could have lost if she didn't focus on what mattered to the people and wake up to what was really going on the country. She didn't so she lost. Now it's time for you to move on or you could just wallow in pity and anger against me and others for somehow being the reason for Trump.

Here's a final quote.
The Dems have a brilliant strategy to play on identity politics to secure the masses over white male conservatives. Over the next years if they can infuse that to their base on state and local levels they'll be sitting pretty while still ignoring the real issues of the day. The problem is they forgot there was a whole portion of the left wing that may see past that and now they gotta evolve as they like to say or risk their whole plan. Bernie running on the Dem side was a big wrench in all that.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
You have no proof of your claims that I wanted Hillary to lose. Since you're a lazy fool and have no proof of the claims you make against me here are some select quotes throughout this year with my views on Bernie, Hillary, Trump and if her losing was a "good thing."
those definitely are "select". you seemed to have missed your thread calling people "pragmatists" for not wanting a demagogue to be elected.

When The Next Democratic Candidate Is Palling Around With D1ck Cheney What Will You Liberals Do?

and thats one of many posts you made in that light. you followed your hero bernie around every corner he took you except for the most obvious one which was the country coulnt afford to have trump be its leader. the election is over no need to try and flip the story now, you made your feelings clear for months
Last edited:

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
There are only so many times you can cry wolf by saying the sky will fall if a Republican wins, but meanwhile Democrats accomplish nothing for the working class when they are in power -- and even get through things that harm the working class that Republicans could only dream of getting through themselves. The masses see that nothing is really changing.

It's too bad the charade fell apart when it did and your cards got pulled, but liberals are just as responsible for birthing this neofascism as conservatives are. Liberals ensured the economic conditions for it to thrive and conservatives provided the dog whistle and overt racism.


Apr 30, 2012
those definitely are "select". you seemed to have missed your thread calling out people "pragmatists" for not wanting a demagogue to be elected.

When The Next Democratic Candidate Is Palling Around With D1ck Cheney What Will You Liberals Do?

and thats one of many posts you made in that light. your followed your hero bernie around every corner he took you except for the most obvious one which was the country coulnt afford to have trump be its leader. the election is over no need to try and flip the story now, you made your feelings clear for months
That thread must have really hurt your feelings :mjlol:

And it had nothing to do with wanting Trump to win. I still thought she would win up till election day. But like I've said running her against Trump was the only way you could lose, and I was right.

And according to Schumer and DNC it looks like they are gonna stop kicking the can to appeal to Wall Street and neo cons and start focusing on the people they represent.

Maybe you should get the message and start adjusting.


Apr 30, 2012
is this info from the polls that said trump was going to lose?

all i heard after bernie lost was that nobody cared anymore and some i know personally were just like the bernie bros on this board who got mad when he lost and were hell bent on hillary losing.
It's from the exact same polls that said 90% of HRC supporters would vote for Obama in 08. You're acting as if 60 million people voted in the primaries. Obama still had to go out and convince all those people to vote for him and turn them out. Those Bernie supporters, many of them young, are the only reason she even had a shot in the midwest. She would've lost those states by multiple points without the slanted margins coming out of Madison, Ann Arbor, etc. The problem was getting their friends to vote, and she never gave them a message they could believe. They tuned out right after the primary, and all they ever heard was bad shyt Trump was doing (media's fault). They never heard her plan or message.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
That thread must have really hurt your feelings :mjlol:

And it had nothing to do with wanting Trump to win. I still thought she would win up till election day. But like I've said running her against Trump was the only way you could lose, and I was right.

And according to Schumer and DNC it looks like they are gonna stop kicking the can to appeal to Wall Street and neo cons and start focusing on the people they represent.

Maybe you should get the message and start adjusting.
everybody thought she was going to win you dont get a cookie for that. you get no further bars either because you were one dummies on here that couldnt understand progress still could be made under her presidency. hopefully you all start to think a little more logically in the future instead of thinking a hillary presidency is the same as a trump presidency based on the sole fact that neither of them represent exactly what you want


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
It's from the exact same polls that said 90% of HRC supporters would vote for Obama in 08. You're acting as if 60 million people voted in the primaries. Obama still had to go out and convince all those people to vote for him and turn them out. Those Bernie supporters, many of them young, are the only reason she even had a shot in the midwest. She would've lost those states by multiple points without the slanted margins coming out of Madison, Ann Arbor, etc. The problem was getting their friends to vote, and she never gave them a message they could believe. They tuned out right after the primary, and all they ever heard was bad shyt Trump was doing (media's fault). They never heard her plan or message.
those bernie supporters, many of them young, wouldnt have been voting republican in the first place. ann arbor was never voting for trump, jeb, cruz or none of them anyway. that point is moot. youre overarching point never has been lost on me, i said she lost for a variety of reasons. you seem to continue to want to excuse some factors as nonexistent, which makes further conversation on that end unnecessary

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika