Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III your next Attorney General: Senate Confirmations 1/11


Jun 8, 2012
:snoop: ain't u black too ? :scust: if so, im just about to give up on my peoples
as black as you claim to be.

So why are you giving up on your people? Because some of us realize it's not about party supremacy, its not about what part of the country you come from. racism and WHITE supremacy is rampant in every part of the US of A.

DO I need to explain to you I'm from the west coast. Sure we don't hear people running around on the regular yelling igger this or that like perhaps someone in the south/Midwest. But yet and still, brush that look just like me are getting harassed by cops every day, we' ve been getting shot up by them or jumped by them for nothing for decades. You do realize whites didn't want us hear to begin with if you go back far enough into the history of California. If you pay good enough attention you will realize we have hick towns within California all up and down the state. they look and act just like those people in the Midwest and the south. You do realize their were a ton of slaves brought to the north east right?

The point i'm making is, don't let a smooth taste fool you. Classic Southern racist, or classic northern racist, or unclassic new era racist is all the same at the end of the day.

Lol at saying "stay safe" now that trump is the president. How many of us got shot up and no one went to jail during Obamas last 4 years? And those are the ones that made the news, those are the ones that were caught on tape. how many?

we had a half black pres, a black first lady, a black AG. and yet we were still being snuffed out by crooked cops/mostly white cops. I mean wanna be white zimmeran aka white latino kicked it off. how much time did he serve? ZILCH, ZERO. The feds looked into that one too. And yet that man still walks around free as a bird. While racists were funding his defense.

It's bigger than trump or his next AG appointment or his next Judge appointment.

I'm not disagreeing with you in saying dude is some out and out racist. He probably is. but so are the Clintons. we saw this the moment Hillary went up against Obama and Obama was gaining traction. all that "first black president" nonsense that bill got from black people went out the window when the black guy(half I may add) was beating his wife in the polls leading to the election. but some of yall really thought yall should vote for her cause she did a dance on ellen.

I need for my people to wake up and stop falling asleep. lets just realize this simple thing. MOST WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST and are about RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY. sure you may know a good one or two. but that's about it. you may know a lot that wont physically harm you or wont try to vote for racist things to be anti black. but ask yourself how many white people you know are running to the streets and to their politicians on your behalf? How many? Blacks can't stop racism. Only whites can stop the nonsense they started and continue to perpetuate. Yet how often do you see the same amt of whites that out number blacks in the US percentage wise protest before we even hit the streets when innocent black lives are taken on some racist nonsense? how many whites?

Liberal or not. how many?

How many so called liberal whites hire black people since they know we have been discriminated against from birth til adulthood and so have our ancestors? How many?

Bill Clinton put more of us in jail than bush jr.
Just think about that for a moment.

Your favorite so called "first black president" Mr Clinton. treated more of you to a thing called new era slavery. Than the most hated repub president of our time.

Silly black folks. Time to wake up. It aint about reds and blues. it's about black and white. always has been, and the way it's looking always will be.

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
if you think BLM would have lasted past the Dallas police killings without Obama's DOJ you buggin, them nikkas would have been in guantanamo by now. See the famed Black Panthers and Cuba :francis:
If anything BLM would of flourish if it spawned under a Trump Administration and wasnt ran by rich billionaire CACs like Soros and gays:mericaa:

Long Live The Kane

Tyrant Titan
Apr 30, 2012
like i said the OP used the term militant not leftist
and he is absolutely 100% right on with that post

now as far as leftist goes... will i can tell u there are some high ranking progressive who believe hillary was no difference than trump
see Dr Cornell West
see Jimmy Dore of TYT
see Kyle K from secular talk youtube
even peeps like Jill Stein, Dr Lamont Hill & Cenk Uygur are on record saying Hillary is no more then ur typical establishment republican

That's really what lost the election... the pervasive idea of "oh there's no difference, they're both the same, there's no real choice" took what was already a lack of enthusiasm and overwhelming cynicism towards Hilary and turned it into crippling apathy... the "lesser of two evils" really was the lesser of two evils ... shyt like who is appointed AG really fukking matters... people act like the Obama administration did complete jack shyt for eight years, but holders investigation into ferguson pd ended up having the most iron clad tangible substantive change there... with a fukking klansman in position, that doesn't happen

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Whats unbelievable is the people saying "what difference does it make"

Like as if the AG has zero power in America. Then why appoint someone to the highest legal office in America? They cant do anything right? Eric Holder didn't do anything? Or are you just too lazy and incompetant to google it?

Did Eric Holder have any effect on Darren Wilson getting convicted? :francis: