Why do you take pride in being an insufferable a$$hole at all times? You've been against the project since SOHH. So no is speaking for you. I'm asking you why because before you've only spoken in generalities about Jay was used to convince people. You directly said that the native son would of course look like he had the interests of Brooklyn at heart. Please cut your tough guy shyt off for once in your life.
That's all you needed to say.
Fair point, but I'd have to see how it's being done.
This is really the main thing I was curious about and stuff that I've heard from other people. Though not as simplified.
Where did I say a single thing about jobs? Where have I ever even said why they support it? I just used them as examples because I know what type of people they are, and they wouldn't support something that will fukk people up overall. They expressed some of the same concerns that you did, but they think that overall it will be a net positive and by area, I meant "Brooklyn" as a whole. The caveat they always used was, if it results the jobs that they believe will naturally develop. I'm not familiar enough with Brooklyn's landscape to regurgiate what they said when we were met up for a reunion last week. It wasn't even the focal point of the conversation. You seem to know enough about the issue to know what proponents would argue. Where did I ever say any of this shyt your complaining about? Go ahead and continue fighting with yourself.
I asked a question with the intention of trying to get some first hand info from someone who seemed knowledgeable and you came out huffing and puffing. If your boy's anything like you then he's going to take an L. You're the exact opposite of a cool head.
No, I won't be going back and forth with you, I learned the futility of that on SOHH.
How I type represents my offline demeanor!!!!

You niqqas in here are ass cheeks. I'm the calmest niqqa you'd know....
fukk those latte drinking carpetbaggers talking about helping "Brooklyn as a whole" while citing zero specifics at all.
As if them being teachers and talking about juveniles means a damn thing to those juveniles and their futures being pushed away from the neighborhoods revitalization
A nine dollar an hour job isn't helping Brooklyn.
That's just empty talk.
Jay isn't parlaying what's going on to help transform what needs to be transformed.