Tulsa real estate funds website has changed it's name and format
Invest With TREF Today
He's also been going live everyday, and the comments are not warm and cozy, they're going in on him for how he wastes time talking about nonsense
That link you just posted literally says..........
April 29th 2020 marks the final capital raise and investment partnership opportunity of the historic Tulsa Real Estate Fund I (TREF).
Be a part of this historic Black owned real estate fund before we close the doors on the TREF Fund 1 capital raise! The Time is Now to Take Action If You Would Like to Own a Piece of Legacy!
If You Would Like To Own A Piece Of Legacy, Click On The “Invest Now” Button To Get Started
He raised capital (money) through crowdfunding (obtained from regular people). What that means is he's no longer taking in any more capital through crowdfunding.
I mean, think about it.....
If I'm closing my fund on April 29th, why would I take in new investors up until April 29th?
If I give him $500 on April 29th the deadline, that means he has to give me my $500 right back on April 29th when he closes.
What sense does that make?
Come on, I'm trying to work with you.
You have another poster telling you you are reading his statements wrong, as I have told you.
So we both have a problem with English language and you don't?
Think about it bruh.