I just got out of the theater. It’s easily Kevin Smith’s best work in a very long time.
For a stoner flick, It was a really sweet movie about fatherhood. All the cameos were funny as fukk especially Matt Damon and Affleck. Affleck’s cameo was the best one hands down. Which is amazing because his part was written well after production started. Kind of made me sad and want to reconnect with friends I fell out with.
The only thing that took some getting used to is how badly white people and Redman age
All those mufukkers looked old as fukk. Kind of makes you think of aging and your own mortality. Once you get past that, it is a very entertaining movie.
There were about 30 people in the theater. A real sausage fest. I think I counted two women.
Can’t wait to watch it again when it starts streaming.
Was there a Pumpkin Escobar cameo?