Thanks for the breakdown breh.
In County at least cook they only separate after classification, so the first few days are wild af. Lots of scrappin.
My homeboy been in and out of jail since we were 17-18(mainly drug cases or violating parole/probation) he did several bids in prison he said cook county was 100x worst.It's over crowded and chaotic he said prison more organized and all the movie jail generalizations rarely if ever happen but he was on a lower level cuz he had drug cases,he did say nikkas be screaming and crying about missing their fam and they were innocent etc.Pac said that same thing on hold ya head
Adding all the time up he did about 8-9 years combined in the county and prison
Yea,County is wild,overcrowded and until they separate the prisoners by level it can get wild,the bullpens are where it gets cracking tho,nikkas be in there fighting like crazy, but being locked up its bad period,Prison is more structured and you basically know what to face.
Also once you get sentenced, you go from county to an reception center where you locked up for another 30-60 days and they figure out what level they gonna start you out in while in prison, this is the worst of it all,worst than holding cell,county and prison, you really locked down all day,23 hours, taking test,no workout no nothing, straight hell,anybody will tell you the same,quarantine is hell!! Glad I made it through and I'm never going back.