Jail/Prison isn't fun in any way shape form or fashion, but it's not something out of Oz where every other cell dudes are smearing shyt on the wall. I never sat down so I can't speak for prison--but I was told it's actually a more liveable version of county
@Originalgangsta317 would know better than me though;.
County is actually worst than prison in a sense,but no prison is not like Oz,prison and the behavior of the inmates depends on which security level your on.
I only can speak for Michigan,but most joints period are the same for the most part
Level 1&2 is really laid back,this level doesn't have many counts,your yard time is longer,the CO's are more laxed,and the inmates are a bit more controlled,because most guys at this level are on their way to going back home,most guys here are non-violent,but that don't mean it can't get violent. two to 6 man cells at these levels,Level 1 secured is majority sex offenders.
Level 4 is basically medium to max security,two man cells,only an hour to workout a day,violent inmates for the most part,mainly cats who don't follow the rules,but some guys aren't trouble makers,but here in michigan any sentence 8 years or more is automatically level 4,but you can work your way down.
Level 5 is maximum security,tons of counts,you still get an hour a day to workout,but only machine weights,and that's only if you have showed good behavior,this is the level where cats give no fukks,cats serving life,20+ years mostly are here,so you see the nuts,the guys who putting shyt and piss on the walls,etc.