fan of the fan of the original. i'll check for it
he looks NOTHING like the comic real talk i cant see him gettin just manhandled and thrown out a fukking window....dude supposed to be a slender rock musician not a big ass body builder looking dude ....bradley cooper was bad enough but now this just trash. Get jared leto and call it a day
fukking Lisa bonetThis dude either about to be the next big star or Taylor Kitcsh
It's crazy how I keep hearing this guy attached to stuff that people have these great expectations for.
I mean really..... Buddy was a marginal character on Games...... Was announced as Aquaman like 3 or 4 years ago to a movie not dropping for another 2 years.
What really has this dude been doing with all this time?
To me it feels like what Leto had to do following Ledger, a lil bit...i wasnt excited at first but I dunno...holding out hope till a trailer...really liked Jack Huston in the role..Man, this dude has a tough act to follow. Brandon Lee's performance is in the higher tier of cbm performances imo.