To be fair brother, and you've touched on this, but those within the comic industry don't even do that. So it becomes a fine line.
Black Panther is the classic example. A billion dollar headliner suppressed/shelved for two decades (80s and 90s) until Quesada forced/begged Priest to do something with the character in 1998. Two decades wasted in and outside of the comics, and he was playing catch-up ever since until the movie -flawed as the depiction was- leap-frogged him from mid-card to super baby face main eventer. John Stewart is another example. Brought up to be the legacy character after Hal Jordan but they tried to skip over him with Kyle, then paralyzed him, tried to kill him off... but because Dwyane McDuffie and Bruce Timm main-evented him in a cartoon... WB execs were like hold up, fukk is you comic ppl doin trying to squash this well-received negro character?
Blade is another example. Wesley's depiction was inaccurate as fukk but it saved the character; kept him on a respirator as a niche mid-carter with main event potential. For the popular white male characters like Wolverine, Batman, Spider-Man, etc., care was already largely given historically to give them a fair chance to be headliners and then cultivate them once success was found, and so it's just a matter of facilitating a seamless transition/handover to outside media (movies, cartoons, games). For the others, especially the black ones, it's borderline reversed; which makes things more chaotic bc a Coogler doesn't understand a T'Challa like a Priest... but there aren't many Priests to cultivate the character bc of complexion issues within the industry.
Well black panther is a deeply coded slash culture driven property. That has a lot to unpack.
Which are a total different. Yet at times similar discussion.
That i do not wanna compare superman to black panther. At the model for superman to work. Does not work when applied to urban ideals. To make superman into some commercialized nineties urban spoof take.
If handled by a corporation. As that is all they see. Ehich is why bp. On another subject is a bigger conversation than superman.
Superman has issues because no relevent story in print has had traction. To gain a moder following.
to make a nre superman core fan base wanna be vocal enough.
That a certain superman arc has to be told.
Whereas marvel characters. Generally have an arc. That the most darkhorse reader wants to see on the silver screen. From a major motion film house with resources and a name. Superman is difficult in a ways.
that black panther although different can face similar issues with sustaining a draw. That are juxtaposed.
while being comparably similar to bp.
Incomparison to bp and most marvel characters. Which are welled and ground in supposed reality based geography.
Which I have spoke on indepthly in the comparison thread or marvel vs dc here or on :sohh:.
That my comments are still relevent to this topic. Yet i don't want this topic to overshadow superman. As superman is actually grounded in a reality based geographical location. Sohh superman is one of the dc outliers. That ground him in reality. Yet superman is an entirely fictional construct. While also being completely the general auper Jewish archetype of the Schuster and sigel era. Sohh superman has to handled with actual acute care. Given the age and what superman is as the actual gateway archetype of numerous landmarks. In life.
This is superman.
It is not a steve-o clown school phd comedy style joke. Wherr steve-o plays the world as this methheqd junkie fukk up. When in reality steve-o is teh golden spoon of the leqd cadre of pos ceos in the world. That this world has fallen complete utterly victim too.
In that superman has to be told and executed right. While being surrounded by a bunch of brainless parody based idiots. Who probably don't live by anything superman iss supposed to stand for. Yet we have to hope. these nefarious leader types.
craft thee good guy gateway character in rhe proper light.
To re-establish there gateway dominance and monopoly tho.
Yet if they fail. We get even more of their pos way of capitalistic life.
The world needs a superman movie done right. As a consolation for all this bullshyt.
Like real talk.
Why even believe or work for these people if they can not get this shyt right. That is what they are playing with. A world with no main gateway moral center of good.
After running star wars. When star wars created the very effect to even grt superman on the silver screen properly done right back then. That is how fukked up it is. Without superman done right.
When superman is fukked up.
The world is fukked up.
So superman has to be done right.
More is at stake. Than just a comic book character, or money. Superman means more than any of that.
Sohh superman has to be done right. This is thee final tipping point.
Where a moral center of good gateway needs to be re-established entirely in draw.
A lot is counting on this.
As superman is bigger than us all and we are better people.
Just from superman being created. That is how powerful and important superman is.
To human decent life.
Sohh again superman has a lot to unpack. Maybe more than any product being this large a gateway all time. Yet the forum and discovery to build a proper brain trust to make superman a success.
Has to occur. Or the world will suffer. From a lack of a proper superman.
Art Barr