Actually now I think about it I don't recall having problems with the match but OTHER people did.

I had it top 5 for the 04 project Ditch ran many years back. Remember the selling was off the chart.
Are there other must see matches around the time frame? There's the Nagata tag match of course. Was there a decent Muto match around then?
Yeah, the Mutoh match is worth a look. Kawada does his best to make him look great. It's not as good as Tenryu/Mutoh but there's no wonder why people were going

at Mutoh's renaissance with the new shining wizard gimmick after those matches.
The Kojima match from 01' is also dope imo. Just another good chapter of the NJ vs AJ feud.
I think Ditch has a really fun tag in Korakuen with Kawada facing Tenryu and Fuchi. Can't recall the date though, but it should be praised as a good match in that site because that's why I saw it
The Ogawa match in Z1 is

up until the end, as with most good Ogawa matches.
And of course, Kawada vs Shibata