Did HUSTLE ever make any money? Booking any show had to be expensive as fukk
Today we had Big Japan at Sumo Hall and All Japan at Korakuen announcing the big matches for their Anniversary show at Sumo Hall in August:
AJPW "SUMMER ACTION SERIES 2017", 17.07.2017(Samurai! TV)
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1,595 Fans - Super No Vacancy Full House
1. Koji Iwamoto, Yuma Aoyagi, Daichi Kazato
& Fuminori Abe besiegen Masanobu Fuchi, Yohei Nakajima, Kaji Tomato & Yusuke Okada
(6:12) nach einem Japanese Leg-Roll Clutch Hold von Aoyagi gegen Fuchi.
Exoloiders vs. Axe Bombers: Takao Omori, Yuko Miyamoto & Kazuhiro Tamura
besiegen Jun Akiyama, Isami Kodaka
& Atsushi Maruyama
(6:05)nach einem Axe Bomber von Omori gegen Maruyama.
3. TAJIRI, KAI & Massimo besiegen Atsushi Aoki, Osamu Nishimura & Ryouji Sai
(6:41) nach einem Cradle von TAJIRI gegen Aoki.
AJPW World Jr. Heavyweight Title: Hikaru Sato (c) besiegt Minoru Tanaka
(13:18) mit einem Capture-Style Cross Armbreaker.
AJPW World Tag Team Title: Jake Lee & Naoya Nomura besiegen Zeus & The Bodyguard (c) (11:26)nach dem Maximum von Nomura gegen Bodyguard - Titelwechsel.
6. Special Singles Match: Kento Miyahara besiegt Joe Doering (8:28) mit einem Shutdown Suplex Hold.
7. Triple Crown: Shuji Ishikawa (c) besiegt Suwama(19:37) mit dem Giant Slam.
- TAJIRI challenged Hikaru Sato after his title defense.
- It was announced that Satoshi Kojima will return to All Japan for the first time in 5 years to take on Suwama in Sumo Hall.
- Kento Miyahara came out to challenge Shuji Ishikawa after the main event. That match will probably headline Sumo Hall
- The 16 participants of the 5th Royal Road tournament were announced. Pairings can be found below.
Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan
-. Taichi
vs. Yuma Aoyagi
-. All Japan Pro Wrestling 45th Anniversary Memorial Tag Match: Dory Funk Jr. & Hiro Saito vs. Masanobu Fuchi & The Great Kabuki
-. Caristico vs. El Diamante
-. Suwama vs. Satoshi Kojima
- Triple Crown: Shuji Ishikawa (c) vs. Kento Miyahara*
* not officially announced yet
BJW "RYOGOKUTAN", 17.07.2017 (Samurai! TV)
Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan
Kota Sekifuda Return Match: Ryuichi Sekine
& Tatsuhiko Yoshino besiegen Kota Sekifuda & Yuya Aoki
(7:37) nach dem Athlete German Suplex Hold von Yoshino gegen Sekifuda.
Special Six Man Tag Match: Great Kojika, Tsutomu Oosugi & Hercules Senga besiegen Kendo Kashin, Brahman Shu & Brahman Kei
(7:55) nach einem Small Package von Kojika geen Kei.
Special Tag Match: Masakatsu Funaki & Kazumi Kikuta besiegen Yoshihisa Uto & Takuya Nomura
(11:07) nach dem Hybrid Blaster von Funaki gegen Nomura.
Iron Cage & K M G T Death Match: Yuko Miymoto & Isami Kodaka
besiegen Takumi Tsukamoto
& Toshiyuki Sakuda
(14:06) nach einem Fire Thunder von Miyamoto gegen Sakuda.
* kilobyte lawnmower, mega hammer, giga ladder & terra table
BJW Jr. Heavyweight Title, Decision Match: Shinobu besiegt Kazuki Hashimoto
(13:19) mit dem S.E.X Bomber - Titelwechsel.
Concrete Block Overall Death Match: "Black Angel" Jaki Numazawa & Masashi Takeda besiegen Minoru Fujita & Kankuro Hoshino
(12:14) nach einem Reverse U Crash von Takeda gegen Hoshino.
Yokohama Shopping Street Six Man Tag Team Title:Ryota Hama, Yasufumi Nakanoue & Shogun Okamoto (c) beesiegen Kohei Sato
, Daichi Hashimoto & Hideyoshi Kamitani
(16:17) nach einer Air Scissors Press von Hama gegen Kamitani.
BJW Strong World Heavyweight Title: Hideki Suzuki (c) besiegt Ryuichi Kawakami
(13:55) mit einem Sleeper Hold.
BJW Tag Team Title: Abdullah Kobayashi & Ryuji Ito besiegen Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi (c)
(21:10) nach einem Diving Bakachinga Elbow Drop von Kobayashi gegen Okabyashi - Titelwechsel
BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title ~ Ryogoku Battle "Hot Blooded" Way of Life Bloody Death Match:Masaya Takahashi (c) besiegt Takayuki Ueki
(23:45)mit einem Jackhammer auf ein Nailboard.

Hideki still the champ. And with Strong BJ losing the straps, it opens the door for Yuji to eventually get a rematch and the main belt
Really curious onboth tag title matches both have chsnces of being really fun or a complete clusterfukk