Agreed. He wrestles EXACTLY like WOAT Davey now. I liked Kyle for a long time but that disappointing match with Shibata made me sour on him
Man, Kyle’s been trash for a long time. His entire career, especially since his reputation has grown, is just spamming the moves of proper ring technicians who knew how to do compelling limb-work and tell proper stories. The KOR praise that often comes from the same people who hate on flippy spot monkeys is absurd, and highlights just how skin deep so much wrestling critique is.
Just because he’s doing a bunch of arm stuff and ends with a submission has people ignoring he does arm stuff with no rhyme or reason, and doesn’t even execute stuff as well as the people he’s taken it from, and that his matches regularly devolve into complete nonsense.
He’s had good singles stuff with Cole, AJ, and KUSHIDA, and that’s a testament to their ability, not his.
Don’t know what caused it, but I’m happy after a few years of collective insanity, the “Kyle is great” or even the “Kyle is good” movement is coming to a halt.