I'm not advocating for Garvin, he didn't make my list. But I can see an argument for him over Dusty, it's not crazy talk imo.
I don't doubt Dusty was awesome in Florida and tagging with Murdoch but there's barely any footage of him at his peak. From what I've seen he's not someone that should be very high or even on a list like this one
Hogan got a lot of votes because of nostalgia, star power and people giving him credit for his good years (mid to late 80's) and not penalizing him for his bad ones. He was the rare case were voters just saw his positives and ran with them to make a case for him. Same thing happened with Taker.
Shoot style guys got jobbed just like luchadores because not enough people voted or even considered those styles when sending their ballots.
Look ar Satanico. Dude has one of the best averages but couldn't get in enough ballots. Sane with Casas. I repear, avg and ballots are key to undertanding some of the more confusing placements.