Jamaicans get the most Etherous nikka Wake Up Calls

Mrl HiGrnd

All Star
Jul 4, 2015
In Jamaica for the most part whether you're black or white you're a Jamaican. Under many people we are one. For the most part white Jamaicans dont consider themselves white just Jamaican.
You're going to have classism (which is getting worse) and for the most part the upper class consists of whites, Indians, and Chinese; but that's a given anywhere. Jamaicans grow up having no real idea of the deep intracassies of racism and most white people they see are on TV and in Movies.

Most know racism exists but once they come to America and white people are treating them kindly they start to think its a myth and overblown and exaggerated and many times end up c00ning hard for white people and see African Americans as incitors of their own destruction. They believe if they just work hard enough and surround themselves with white pepper and adopt their walk they'll be accepted.

However once something goes missing, a job is up for grabs, or their white friends get too comfortable around them enough to do the "you're not like the others speech" their sleep begins to dissapate.

So many of my family members talk to me about coming to America thinking white people were so nice because they'll always smile in your face and be polite to you. Everyone I talk to talks about the subtly of it especially. In Most black communities if someone doesn't like you you don't have to ask. With many white people they'll smile in your face while sharpening the blade to stab you in the back once it best benefits them or they don't need you anymore. This smile is usually indistinguishable from a sincere smile.

Most AA's are already hip to these games though because they've had to play them so many times for generations. A NWC etherourous as a child than when it's administered as an adult(just like chicken pox).

When Islanders/Africans get theirs its usually out of no where and many times public. Their whole view of their environment becomes flipped and they realize that no matter what they do they will not be seen as equals even if they distance themselves from AA's.

I see some people complain that Jamaicans c00n a lot. I'm not defending it but you gotta understand where their coming from. Jamaican men born after 1980 love white girls too just like they love bmws because it's something they associated with wealth and high status when they were younger. If any Jamaicans disagree with me feel free to correct me. Bless


Deadly Jester
Apr 13, 2013
"Under many, one people" , they seriously need to destroy that shyt.

It has nothing to do with wanting to be accepted by whites, people are trying to come to the country and compete in the society just like everyone else. Its you people who are stuck on being accepted by whites which is why you measure everything you do by whites. "They will get their wakeup call" :mjlol:, like the words of whites are godly hymns. These black americans :russ:

Mrl HiGrnd

All Star
Jul 4, 2015
Sorry for being long-winded. I over explain things sometimes but if you've lived in Jamaica or have talked to people who have you'd know this isn't a rare phenomena
Apr 11, 2014
Sorry for being long-winded. I over explain things sometimes but if you've lived in Jamaica or have talked to people who have you'd know this isn't a rare phenomena
Jamaicans aren't victims, they work hard. You might observe them experiencing racism but they overcome it rather than sit there and complain about it. An L is only an L if you sit there an cry about it or getting up and push through it.

They're not distancing themselves from AAs, you are with this bullshyt.