Nkrumah Was Right
No one has been able to refute my original argument which has caused so much controversy (likely due to ego). I'll break it down for y'all:
1) Without black migration to America, there would be less black people in the United States. Black immigrants to the US, whether they're from Africa or other places in the Americas tend to assimilate into broader African American culture within a generation or two (take Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, Colin Powell etc. etc.)
2) If there are less black people in the US, black people overall have less political power.
Some facts for everyone which are undeniable:

So if you oppose black migration to the US, which some ADOS people in this thread do, then you're undermining your future population growth in favour of other groups in the United States which have exhibited anti black behaviours and seek to supplant black political power. This is a numbers game.
So if you personally don't have 3 kids or more, why are you complaining?
1) Without black migration to America, there would be less black people in the United States. Black immigrants to the US, whether they're from Africa or other places in the Americas tend to assimilate into broader African American culture within a generation or two (take Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, Colin Powell etc. etc.)
2) If there are less black people in the US, black people overall have less political power.
Some facts for everyone which are undeniable:
- 10% of the black population in the US is foreign born (this doesn't include the children of those foreign-born!)
- Key findings about Black immigrants in the U.S.
- African American birthrates are below replacement at 1.89, meaning most black population growth is either through inertia or immigration:
- Baby Bust: Fertility is Declining the Most Among Minority Women

So if you oppose black migration to the US, which some ADOS people in this thread do, then you're undermining your future population growth in favour of other groups in the United States which have exhibited anti black behaviours and seek to supplant black political power. This is a numbers game.
So if you personally don't have 3 kids or more, why are you complaining?