I love Jade, but she still not good in the ring. AEW gotta stop giving her long matches. It’s okay to do squashes/short matches. Everybody ain’t gotta be Steamboat n Flair.
It’s that or get her to do indies
I love Jade, but she still not good in the ring. AEW gotta stop giving her long matches. It’s okay to do squashes/short matches. Everybody ain’t gotta be Steamboat n Flair.
It’s that or get her to do indies
yes let’s hurt her star aura by having her wrestle in bingo halls in front of fat incels.
they’d be better off doing a few AEW house shows every month to let people like her work matches in front of the crowd without the pressure of TV
Just like he has Bianca ??Stop it . Vince had two black women headline mania .
No it wouldn’t, at this point, she’s greatly elevating an Indy card just like the Hardy’s do. I think what they’re gonna do is make ROH their AAA developmental and have feeder Indy’s as their A and AA developmental. She won’t do this, but a future Jade can do a tour with Stardom too
I seen her wrestle skye blueJust came to say that Jade vs Shafir match on Rampage was slow and plotting
Why did they put 2 green people in a main event?
My city shytted on it
delusional oldhead thinks everybody is supposed to be privy to his dumbass terms, rant this dikkIf you don't know wtf a rant is.
Then you not a smart and your commentary is useless mark based drivel.
Rant the matches or hush.
Art Barr
delusional oldhead thinks everybody is supposed to be privy to his dumbass terms, rant this dikk
fact of the matter is you never saw a bianca match in your life so take your bored ass on and stop debating for the sake of debating about some shyt you aren't privy to, we get it u boycotting wwe so boycott discussing wrestlers u never saw perform too
either watch a match yourself and come up with your own "rant" or stfu because anybody with functioning eyes can see that bianca even two years ago is levels better than jade is right now