It was kinda like how Soul on Ice was, which is wild because they dropped on the same label, just months apart. Critically acclaimed, but at the time, it wasn't selling that much.
I bought RD the same day it dropped, because they were promoting like crazy on the underground college radio shows way before. So we all knew the date. A lot of the album tracks were already being played on the shows, so we kinda had an idea of what was already on there. We used to go up to the Rucker, and all summer, you would hear tracks from RD, Nas "Street Dreams" and "If I Ruled The World" and a lot of Pac. It was being played everywhere in the city. But from the stories Ras Kass was telling recently, in other states, people had the album too and knew all the damn words to the songs, lol. It sold mad slowly, but I think that's because everyone was making copies of sh*t back then, unless it was some super known artist.
BTW, Coconuts was the sh*t! I used to find a lot of rare Hip Hop posters in there back in the day. They always had the mad high prices though, lol.