Anyone else beating Roman for the belt now would be like Dr. Death Steve Williams beating Misawa for the All Japan Triple Crown in '94
Nah, a returning from injury Cody beating Roman in 23' would feel like Onita beating Misawa in 94'. A wrestler that left it's home promotion to become a bigger star elsewhere and propelled a new wrestling company to big heights comes back "home" to deal with it's Ace.
Cody basically erased years of him being forever midcard talent plus Vince's horrible booking and came back as huge star that was treated and hyped as such. Onita would've came back to All Japan as a legit menace that could be a heavyweight/openweight wrestler instead of the high flyer junior that got injured and was doomed to be a lower card talent under Baba.
Plus, Cody has in his favor all these months out were he can be missed and not be screwed by booking before facing Reigns.
(BTW, I'm not a Cody fan at all but I think him getting those belts would feel like a huge deal and wouldn't come out as random/rushed or misplaced)