X-Question; @OrangeSodaStyle Would Logan's Atamantinum cut through Colussus?
X-Question; @OrangeSodaStyle Would Logan's Atamantinum cut through Colussus?
That's a tough question, my dude
I only follow the OG stories from the 60's-80's for the most part, and I don't recall Wolverine ever getting the chance to swing at Colossus with those claws of his. It probably depends on the writer more than anything.
adamantium > organic metal
See that's not true anymore cyke is the bad boy who does whatever it takes to save mutant kind Logan is a c00nfukk Cyclops wolverine all day who gives a fukk if Cyclops is the 'leader' wolverine does what the fukk he wants when he wants...
See that's not true anymore cyke is the bad boy who does whatever it takes to save mutant kind Logan is a c00n
at the 2nd panel. Everybody else is looking tense, but Namor is sitting there enjoying the fukkery that he knows is about to ensue.yeah, they tried to make my man a clown but he got busy and his leadership skills >>>> cap as someone else said. I can't remember the first place i read that though.
Astonishing X-Men >>>>>
i thought we were gonna get something similar for cap with avengers, it's cool but cap's a straightforward leader. Cyclops will son the shyt out of whoever...
Since Schism, Wolverine mellowed out and Cyclops started being on his by any means necessary steez .i'm all about late 80's early 90's comics what happened after that
yupat the 2nd panel. Everybody else is looking tense, but Namor is sitting there enjoying the fukkery that he knows is about to ensue.