I'm asking a question. Don't fade out on me yet bruh. I'm not trying to argue I'm tryin to understand your perspective
Dude I am saying that the numbers are fishy and always have been. You can be born out of wedlock and your father still be in your life. The same way your parents can be divorced and your father is still in your life. They are not mutually exclusive.
The point I was making is that even the people who collect the data are fudging on purpose or fudging it subconsciously. Here I am a married man for years yet my wife and I have another child and the nurses at the hospital continuously ask my black wife and I if we are married. Yet after that they still ask if we are a married black couple they still placed on the paper work that my wife is single.
Now why would they do this?
My wife has worked in not for profit for over 13 years and she will even tell you that the hustle in not for profit is pointing the finger at black folks. At all the places she has a worked at most of her clients have been Mexican single women or Mexican families with multiple kids who get money from the government and rich donors for child care.
Even though this is the case. Most of these not for profit corporations in my wife's field know that the way you get money from the government and donors is to prance out the black single mother stereotype and the dead beat black father. Along with throwing out some black out of wedlock birth percentages. Then throw out some black on black crime numbers to really get them to go in their pockets.
Once again no one is saying we don't need more black married couples and black fathers in the home. But a lot of these numbers are cooked like an Enron audit book. And a lot and I mean lot of money is generated for folks off these cooked numbers.
Dude years ago dispelled that myth with the more black men in jail than college statistic. Dude was breaking it down how so many folks make money off that statistic. Yet folks don't tell you they count dudes multiple times when they go in and out of jail. They count dudes who are in jail at non college ages like 50 and 60. They only count black men between the ages 18-25 in college and only count 4 year schools and not graduate programs, training programs or junior college.