For the offensive wiz x mastermind that hoiberg is ...
I'm surprised if not shocked that this guy hasn't found a way for these two ( butler x rose ) to work better off of 1 another ( granted injuries etc playing time together )
But outside of the DEfensive which we expected to be worse this year by default wit thibs missing
The offense has been a mess ..
There is nothin I've seen that has made me go ..yeaa let's fire thibs and hire Fred ..
The article
@Brozay posted ..highlights what I said during the season - this team under Fred has no identity and that mirrors him a lot as coach
And that comes down to his personality in a lot of ways .. Cool guy ...not fussed by much .. Seems awfully blahzey gets on with the guys...but how does that reasonate with a group of pro basketball players
With thibs at the helm he demanded their respect
'This team embodied thibs personality x philosophy or thibs rubbed off on them ' either way it worked
@ this point I've seen it mentioned a few times ..from what jimmy said McDermott compilmentin taj for gettin on them after bein down at the half.last week
It seems like these players want Fred or someone to feed off energy or coaching wise ..coz they ain't gettin what they need from Fred direction wise in some capacity
To the FO credit ..maybe they felt thibs message was gettin tired x old the whole.minutes x injuries fiasco
But as we can see..from the amount of injuries this year to the coach and his message to the players this season .. Its obvious to me that Thibs wasn't as big a issue as they presumed