Its looking like Trump might get that 2nd term, focus groups show strong support for him STILL

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I can pretty much agree with everything you said except with regards to Bernie. I think he got too much of that crazy old man vibe going to ever be president, he just had a heart attack like 2 weeks ago, and the biggest thing is he’s not a great speaker. He doesn’t inspire people when he talks, he just sounds like he’s standing there on a soapbox giving you a lecture. That’s just my perspective, and though for me personally, I don’t need a president to give great speeches to be a great candidate, a lot of voters feel that is important.

Also I don’t know what role him being Jewish plays in the whole scheme of things, but it’s important to keep in mind that we never had a Jewish president in America for what it’s worth

If I had to pick somebody right now I’d go with Warren, but I really don’t know how good of a candidate she will be for the party as whole, especially when you’re gonna have a lot of disgruntled dem voters who don’t get “their” candidate nominated. I just hope they are more pissed about trump, because for me even if they elect the worst dem candidate, I’d still take that in a heartbeat over trump and figure out the rest later

I like Bernie a lot but I think I'm starting to agree that Warren is the more viable candidate at this stage.

Bernie still a better candidate than Clinton though. Clinton had her own health issues and she didn't give speeches for a damn either. And people trust Bernie in a way that they never trusted Clinton.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Yes your neg will stop trump from becoming president next year. :mjlol:
And you support Trump. Thats a shame worthy thing.

You support a man whose endorsed by neo-nazis, the KKk, called them all "very fine people" after they killed a woman and beat a black man senseless in Charlottesville, allows kids to die and get raped and molested in ICE camps, runs a criminal enterprise out of the white house, rolls back or completely cuts funding towards fighting white supremacist domestic terrorism, terminates and rolls back civil rights initiatives amongst other racist bullshyt.

Frankly if you support him you support racism and white supremacy and I dont want to hear or read whatever garbage comes out of your mouth.

And if you black and support him you really need to commit that. Seriously. You wont be missed. You'd be doing the world a favor.
Dec 1, 2013
And you support Trump. Thats a shame worthy thing.

You support a man whose endorsed by neo-nazis, the KKk, called them all "very fine people" after they killed a woman and beat a black man senseless in Charlottesville, allows kids to die and get raped and molested in ICE camps, runs a criminal enterprise out of the white house, rolls back or completely cuts funding towards fighting white supremacist domestic terrorism, terminates and rolls back civil rights initiatives amongst other racist bullshyt.

Frankly if you support him you support racism and white supremacy and I dont want to hear or read whatever garbage comes out of your mouth.

And if you black and support him you really need to commit that. Seriously. You wont be missed. You'd be doing the world a favor.

Everything you just stated is false. If you truly believe what you wrote is all true, you wouldn't have a problem providing the burden of proof for each statement of course... Would you? :ehh:


May 20, 2013
Yea, you support that fakkit.

Get this cac outta here :camby:

I don't fukk with Dems or Reps but a Black person that is in support of that orange faced buffoon is a complete slack jawed idiot or a whole c00n.

Son,calm your flaming tittays! While you're at it learn to control your emotions! Its feminine to constantly lash out in anger:I'm neither a c00n nor a slack jawed idiot. I asked this question twice before on other threads based on my fam and friends experiences in the US dating over a decade and never got an answer.
In late 2009 my younger sis then living on Sepulveda Boulevard told me inner city LA schools had run out of chalk,text books,toilet paper and other necessities. A short Google search shows shyt hasn't only persisted but gotten worse.

Reporting from WASHINGTON —

Too often, low-income, black and Latino students end up in schools with crumbling walls, old textbooks and unqualified teachers, according to a report released Thursday by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

The commission said inequities are caused by the fact that public schools are funded mostly with state and local tax dollars. More than 92% of funding comes from nonfederal sources, according to the Education Department.

The resulting imbalance renders “the education available to millions of American public school students profoundly unequal,” the commission said.

Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't LA been Dem for the longest time? Aren't the worst cities also run by Dems? Tbh,its not a Republican vs Dem issue but what has 60 years of Democrat support given Black America? Just tell me.

I'm not alone in wondering about this pathological attachment to the Dems and their pseudo liberalism! Malcolm X said it better a half century ago:

Like I said you have understandable reservations about Trump-what are your realistic options? Stacking more Ls supporting the Dems? Staying away on polling day? What are your realistic options?

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
I'm not alone in wondering about this pathological attachment to the Dems and their pseudo liberalism! Malcolm X said it better a half century ago:

Like I said you have understandable reservations about Trump-what are your realistic options? Stacking more Ls supporting the Dems? Staying away on polling day? What are your realistic options?

Y'all nikkas love posting Brother Malcolm's comments on Liberals, while conveniently ignoring the harsher things he said about white conservatives. :francis: