King Jove
King Of †he Gawds
the new age militant is the militant who wishes for the worst for black people just so they can whine about the world being shytty to black people for some likes and retweets.
I voted trump cuz I knew he’d be the worst thing for this country, and i don’t care any more.
Black Americans are doomed regardless of who the president is if we don’t get our shyt together.
At least under trump everyone is getting shytted on and it’s not just us like under Obama.
U not helping yourself breh. For all we know that’s your cover. A fukking Trump voterConsidering I get race trolls banned, have pulled up my Trump posts from 2016 in this very thread![]()
isnt this the fame fukkboi who claimed Black women are like racist White men..?
how the fukk is this mentally-ill c00n.. thats even if youre Black- still allowed to even post on here.. muchless, talk sh!t to ANYONE..![]()
At this point: should we not just universally agree that RACIST WHITE MEN equals MOST DARK SKINNED BLACK WOMEN?
Hey, it hurts me to write it. But let's look at the facts:
Racist white men hate us.
Racist white men hate any success we have.
Racist white men will do anything to ensure we do not succeed in life.
Most dark skinned women hate us.
Most dark skinned women hate any success we have.
Most dark skinned women will do anything to ensure we do not succeed in life.
The only difference:
The racist white man's reason is a sense of superiority
The dark skinned woman's reason is a sense of inferiority triggered by white media (white media says white/light skinned is a beauty ideal)
That's a good enough reason to project your internalized anger on a black man for choosing a white woman, just because him doing that to you confirms that the world thinks white and light skinned women are more beautiful.. the white media world may be selling this, but that's opinion - many disagree..
I am at this point tired of fighting for and defending black MEN who do ridiculous shyt like indiscriminately kill their own kind (other black men) over bullshyt like jealousy (which is just internalized racism). But I'm also tired of seeing good black men being dragged by SPECIFICALLY dark skinned black women for their preferences and choices.
Every time you are angry again (again, yes you are angry all the time) you increase the likelihood that a black man thinks 'I don't want that'.
White women have it easier.
Light skinned women have it easier.
Tall, white men have it easier.
Great looking white men have it easier.
These are facts. But nobody said this -letting go of what has been built through 100s of years of racism- would be easy.
Still: you're a shame to our entire race as a black woman every single time you hate a black man and when we black men BLINDLY for no reason hate a black woman, we hate our own kind, our own sister. I do have to say it's not that black and white, since there are WAAAAY more black women hating black men than there are black men who make it their business to hate black women.
I fukk who I want. Michael B. Jordan too. Any black man does what he wants. THAT was the whole POINT of the anti-slavery freedom movement... freedom. Not LIMITED freedom. Wake the fukk up..
Black women hating on a good looking women is
a) not a shocker; many dark skinned black women -especially those with bad experienced eg their bf left for a light skinned or white girl) hate good looking light skinned and white women. Ultimately you could say human's reproductive system from a purely societal pov is competitive and there is (logically, see b) a lot of bitterness amongst many but not all dark skinned black women
b) a direct result with society's 'the whiter or lighter the more beautiful' (the latter being a side-effect of slavery). Every shop you go where they sell magazines: 98% white women or very light skinned women on the covers. Movies? The same. Mostly white and light skinned women are shown as highly desirable. Media has a huge impact on our culture obviously.
As far as Tinashe: her music is bad imo, she has no outstanding personality as far as I can tell and to me she's not super fine.
I think even light skinned women who behave black are accepted in the black community.
Her issue is likely: she is successful (haters gonna hate) and dudes want her (female haters gonna hate more).
U not helping yourself breh. For all we know that’s your cover. A fukking Trump voter![]()
Voted for Stein. Whole ballot was No nikkaz, what you talking about?![]()
s/he in here dapping up a poster who said Black women are like racist White men..Considering I get race trolls banned, have pulled up my Trump posts from 2016 in this very thread![]()
fukkin c00n got a supposed Black woman, in here dapping up his posts..Yep
He went back and edited the post but here is the original
As you shouldn't. I'm a nameless, faceless person on a message board. I still hope you make amends for your faults for following the ignorant mantra of "my vote doesn't matter".
And wasn't it you that said Walter Scott was a relative of yours? You know Trump fully supported the officer that killed him... that alone should have made you run to the polls.