It actually started as a result of the fake news mills that intentionally created and perpetrated fake news stories as real in order to rile of the conservative base, attack liberals, and sway and electorate. But that's irrelevant really, if you disagreed with it then don't embrace it now.
Now to the topic at hand, do you agree that his comments have had a negative affect on his brand?
Do you think that Curry's comments on UA's CEO had a negative affect on the brand?
No it didn't. I watch CNN and MSNBC from time to time, too and I saw the piece they did on fake news mills. That was completely nonsense. That is NOT why it was started. Fake news is a talking point created by the MSM to discredit anything that isn't MSM. Also it was done to shut down Pizzagate and discredit message boards that shall not be named as sources of unbiased information and discussion.
Again, primarily CNN and WashPo started it. WashPo even did a story on PropOrNot which was literally this Orwellian internet extension that blocked access to alternative news sites because they were "Russian propaganda."
This election season was a massive kick in the nuts to their credibility, so they manufactured this fake news talking point to save face but it was quickly turned against them and completely blew up in their face.
WashPo and others went all in. The ratings for mainstream media is as low as it's ever been. A quarter of all the web traffic now that goes to NYT and WashPo's websites (and CNN) are Chinese bots they purchased to hide how horrible their ratings are doing.
No one believes them anymore outside of people who watch nothing but television and subscribe to NYT and the older crowd.
This started with the media trying to shut down controversy surrounding Pizzagate and the growth of popular alternative media sites.