It maybe back to throwing pancakes and midcarding. WWE considering Cena\Bryan for Mania

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
You can’t read @R=G and you c00ns move goal posts for black wrestlers but piss and moan about your white darlings and half breeds.
Find me where I said kofi had classics...but since you want to go there

How many classics did bray Wyatt have when he got a title shot in 2015?
How many classics did jack swagger have when he got a world title shot at mania in 2013?
How many classics did sheamus have when he beat Bryan for a world title at mania in 2012?
How many classics did The Mix have when he main evented and won the wwe title match at mania in 2011?

Black wrestlers got to have ten plus years in, be healthy for years, never even flirt with leaving wwe, be over, sell top five in merch, and not ever have a bad match and c00ns like you still will shyt on them

If he was half Samoan though lol boy I tell you


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
You can’t read @R=G and you c00ns move goal posts for black wrestlers but piss and moan about your white darlings and half breeds.
Find me where I said kofi had classics...but since you want to go there

How many classics did bray Wyatt have when he got a title shot in 2015?
How many classics did jack swagger have when he got a world title shot at mania in 2013?
How many classics did sheamus have when he beat Bryan for a world title at mania in 2012?
How many classics did The Mix have when he main evented and won the wwe title match at mania in 2011?

Black wrestlers got to have ten plus years in, be healthy for years, never even flirt with leaving wwe, be over, sell top five in merch, and not ever have a bad match and c00ns like you still will shyt on them

If he was half Samoan though lol boy I tell you
You are a

Yes..the WWE are Marks for Samoans over the last 40 years. Plenty of those guys main evented WM...crack addicts. I'm surrounded by crack addicts.

WMG the 2nd

Nov 18, 2016
You are a

Yes..the WWE are Marks for Samoans over the last 40 years. Plenty of those guys main evented WM...crack addicts. I'm surrounded by crack addicts.
Where did I just say a lie?

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
His average promo skills, his lack of any actual gimmick, theres absolutely nothing about him, he isnt even anything more than a decent in ring performer which is why the only way he gets over is part of a stable

With the bold, you just described Seth Rollins, and iirc, he just won the Royal Rumble. :pachaha:

Kofi kingston for 11 years could not get over as a serious wrestler

This is objectively false, though. He was incredibly popular vs Orton years ago. He was over, but they inexplicably :krs: pulled the rug out from underneath him because he supposedly blew a spot (a spot that Orton went out of his way to highlight by calling him stupid and faux pouting on live television) which meant that he clearly wasn't deserving of a main event push, given that Vince & Hunters guys have never botched or blown spots. It was an easy call, I'm sure. :pachaha:

WMG the 2nd

Nov 18, 2016
Everything u said about Black talent..everyone knows that by heart. You just exposing them because it means they got no backbone. Especially Kofi who let gsy ass Blandy dog him out. That's fukking crazy.
What would a guy with backbone do? Do like Bryan and sit his p*ssy ass on wwe shelf until they made him jump hoop through hoop and THEN come running back to daddy Vince like a lap dog when he got cleared?
Would somebody with a backbone just broke character and beat the fukk out of orton on tv?
Would a person with backbone got fired or leave like cm punk on their own?

You don’t even have a job or a business of course you talk that stupid shyt

Mark Henry ain’t get a world title run until how many years after debuting? Dude went from making love to Mae young and getting her pregnant angles to FINALLY getting a serious run as a heel and champ and he knocked it out and had a better heel run then any cac you Stan

Booker t was arguably top five in wwe after they bought ace and stayed over for years after that whether heel or face
You dikk ride Donald trump and then hate on black posters and wrestlers but I get it


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012
Just wanna say fukk Jimmy Korderas (Former Smackdown ref who's now covers WWE for TSN in Canada)

Peep his twitter from last night and the :mjpls: vibes he gave out to anyone who made the case for Kofi getting a push

"he wins the belt and then what?":mjpls:

"He's a comedy act" :mjpls:

"I never said I didnt like Kofi, New day are good at the haha":mjpls:

As it is hes always arguing Road Dogg style about WWE's booking decisions but he does in that hack way where he never explains why they're doing the right thing, just the usual marks dont know but he doesnt given a reason himself. Even Bischoff to his credit actually explains reasoning to bad decisions (Even if bullshyt) and questions current and past booking decisions

Hey Jimmy, WWE isnt gonna hire you back stop defending them when you dont even know what decision they're gonna go with them damn selves:pacspit:


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
With the bold, you just described Seth Rollins, and iirc, he just won the Royal Rumble. :pachaha:

This is objectively false, though. He was incredibly popular vs Orton years ago. He was over, but they inexplicably :krs: pulled the rug out from underneath him because he supposedly blew a spot (a spot that Orton went out of his way to highlight by calling him stupid and faux pouting on live television) which meant that he clearly wasn't deserving of a main event push, given that Vince & Hunters guys have never botched or blown spots. It was an easy call, I'm sure. :pachaha:

Seth rollins promo skills are better than Kofis, Seth is a miles better heel than kofi, a better babyface and miles ahead in in-ring ability. Kofi was popular at the point and deserved the Orton feud just like New day has seen his popularity surge and the way they booked him in the gauntlet match, booking which would have got the same reaction if it was Mustafa Ali or Xavier Woods or any other underdog babyface, means he deserves the Daniel Bryan match now. Should be actually win and be WWE Champion? Hell no.


Jun 2, 2014
Meltzer was randomly throwing names out there when assessing possible mania matches, so of course that leads to the click bait sites running with it
This is why people gotta cut Meltzer some slack sometimes. He'll say something that is clearly just him personally speculating and the clickbait sites will report it as news or a rumor.


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
Just wanna say fukk Jimmy Korderas (Former Smackdown ref who's now covers WWE for TSN in Canada)

Peep his twitter from last night and the :mjpls: vibes he gave out to anyone who made the case for Kofi getting a push

"he wins the belt and then what?":mjpls:

"He's a comedy act" :mjpls:

"I never said I didnt like Kofi, New day are good at the haha":mjpls:

As it is hes always arguing Road Dogg style about WWE's booking decisions but he does in that hack way where he never explains why they're doing the right thing, just the usual marks dont know but he doesnt given a reason himself. Even Bischoff to his credit actually explains reasoning to bad decisions (Even if bullshyt) and questions current and past booking decisions

Hey Jimmy, WWE isnt gonna hire you back stop defending them when you dont even know what decision they're gonna go with them damn selves:pacspit:

What the fukk do you do with Kofi fukking Kingston after you give him the belt????? My sentiments exactly. He is a comedy act. Let kofi kingston have a 20 min plus match, book him strong, let the crowd appreciate his effort then beat him and send him back to New day, maybe reward him with another US title run. fukk Kofi kingston as wwe champion


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
Seth rollins promo skills are better than Kofis, Seth is a miles better heel than kofi, a better babyface and miles ahead in in-ring ability. Kofi was popular at the point and deserved the Orton feud just like New day has seen his popularity surge and the way they booked him in the gauntlet match, booking which would have got the same reaction if it was Mustafa Ali or Xavier Woods or any other underdog babyface, means he deserves the Daniel Bryan match now. Should be actually win and be WWE Champion? Hell no.
My nikka! Are you Vince McMahon himself or that much of a follower that you actually believe the majority of the fan base is wrong about everything they want to see at mania?

You like the idea of Lacey Evans having a title shot with no proof she deserves it
You like Charlotte being forced into the hottest feud in wrestling cause Vince loves blondes
You now are saying they are right for considering leaving kofi out of mania title match?
You are going against all the popular ideas just to be that guy, the entire wrestling world, the media the old timers like Jim Ross all think and have said it should be kofi moment but you think you know better than all of us cause you can’t recognize a star Until wwe tells you so


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
My nikka! Are you Vince McMahon himself or that much of a follower that you actually believe the majority of the fan base is wrong about everything they want to see at mania?

You like the idea of Lacey Evans having a title shot with no proof she deserves it
You like Charlotte being forced into the hottest feud in wrestling cause Vince loves blondes
You now are saying they are right for considering leaving kofi out of mania title match?
You are going against all the popular ideas just to be that guy, the entire wrestling world, the media the old timers like Jim Ross all think and have said it should be kofi moment but you think you know better than all of us cause you can’t recognize a star Until wwe tells you so

nikka cant you read?? I said Kofi Kingston DESERVES the Daniel Bryan match now and my very first comment in this thread i said i have no problem at all with Bryan vs Kofi Kingston at Wrestle mania. I said there is no way in hell though Kofi kingston should win that match and actually be champion. Since when does nikkas on the coli equal the majority of the fan base?

And all this talk of people 'deserving' title shots in a sport that is SCRIPTED what are you talking about. The fact of the matter is Lacey Evans is a heel with a good gimmick that she plays well, good mic skills and is decent in the ring. Her matches aren't filled with the trademark sloppiness of womens matches, sloppiness you will constantly see in a carmella, mandy rose, liv morgan, sarah logan, dana brook, iconics, lana match. She can also cut great heel promos which is perfect for Asuka who is limited promo wise due to her english. Lacey's in ring ability will make it much easier for asuka to carry it to a good match. A Lacey Evans vs Asuka match would be much much better in ring wise than any of the females i mentioned. Her promos would also be great, just how well and believable she plays her gimmick also helps get everything she says over, you buy into it cause you buy into her gimmick. She will have the crowd against her and behind Asuka the face without having to do a back and forth promo with Asuka as Asukas english limits that, Lacey can hold a promo on her own. That is all that matters.

And Charlotte deserves to be in that match because if a female match is gonna headline wrestlemania she deserves to be in it seeing as almost all the females on the roster, including Ronda and Becky owe their best matches to Charlotte.
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