It is EXTREEMLY hard for some people to gain weight.


Richest Broke Ni99a You'll Never Meet
Nov 27, 2015
I hate how simple guys were making it sound in that thread in TLR where @fre$h was talking about how girls made him feel ugly. People were telling him just cause he's tall and guys like the game ALREADY HAVE size that it's possible for him to gain weight when it's not always the case. Not every dude has the genetics to put on that kind of size do you have any idea what 6'4" and 150 pounds looks like? Its fukking pathetic. Worse case is that a 6'4" 150 pound guy has a bone structure that looks similar to that of a woman's small wrist PAPER thin waist skinny neck only so much girth from the bone structure alone not only impacts how much muscle a guy will put on naturally but impacts the way the muscle looks on him. We weren't all built to look like a clay sculpted statue and some men weren't even made to look normal. Hormones and genetics is pay a SIGNIFICANTLY role in just what your body can actually do. All this ra ra "no excuses" bull shut is said by guys who don't dare look at each individual situation for what they actually are.
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TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Genetics do play a role but bottom line is if you eat more you will gain weight

If you are going to be a cry baby and make excuses for not doing what you need to do just take your L early and get to stepping.

The Gym forum is a no bullshyt zone :camby:

Myrical Lyfe

In the Gutter, of the Tunnel
Oct 20, 2013
:scust:Excuses. Eat more as everyone said. If you are just trying to gain mass, your best friend are fats. A tablespoon of peanut butter here, almond butter in your oatmeal there.

If all else fails, a tablespoon of Olive Oil *straight* with every meal adds hundreds of easy calories.

I found eggnog to be my go to this winter. 2800 cals per half gal. I was drinking one a day for awhile and gained hella weight


Richest Broke Ni99a You'll Never Meet
Nov 27, 2015
:scust:Excuses. Eat more as everyone said. If you are just trying to gain mass, your best friend are fats. A tablespoon of peanut butter here, almond butter in your oatmeal there.

If all else fails, a tablespoon of Olive Oil *straight* with every meal adds hundreds of easy calories.
You just don't get it. Not all men were made to pack on serious amounts of muscle it's not an excuse it's a damn fact. Some nikka's eat loads and don't gain shyt. You short sighted dudes are going to fukk around and give someone diabetes talking about junk food and fats.


Richest Broke Ni99a You'll Never Meet
Nov 27, 2015
Genetics do play a role but bottom line is if you eat more you will gain weight

If you are going to be a cry baby and make excuses for not doing what you need to do just take your L early and get to stepping.

The Gym forum is a no bullshyt zone :camby:
Don't write it off as some cry baby shyt I'm being factual there are nikkas who eat tons and lift weights while trying to bulk and don't do shyt but puke and shyt it's funny how most nikkas up here claim to be power lifting experts but don't know shyt about nutrition the type to talk a nikka into a fukking heart attack. "Eat more you'll gain weight." What kind of dumb ass shyt... Not everyone who "eats" more gains weight. And if you tell someone to eat just anything it's even stupider cause most of you dudes will end up in the fukking hospital. "Eat whatever" yeah fukking right so you're okay with gaining "weight" as in looking like a fat tub of lard with clogged arteries and a fukked up respiratory system and diabetics right? Some of you have ass nutritional it's need to hop off that bull. It's all just terrible advice.

No bull shyt my ass when you tell a nikka to eat just anything and he ends up a fat ass who has to go on shots to keep him alive you'll fukking see. "No bullshyt" meaning ignore fukking facts and pretend like anyone can do this shyt. Or maybe you're all just ignorant to the realities of the situation.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Don't write it off as some cry baby shyt I'm being factual there are nikkas who eat tons and lift weights while trying to bulk and don't do shyt but puke and shyt it's funny how most nikkas up here claim to be power lifting experts but don't know shyt about nutrition the type to talk a nikka into a fukking heart attack. "Eat more you'll gain weight." What kind of dumb ass shyt... Not everyone who "eats" more gains weight. And if you tell someone to eat just anything it's even stupider cause most of you dudes will end up in the fukking hospital. "Eat whatever" yeah fukking right so you're okay with gaining "weight" as in looking like a fat tub of lard with clogged arteries and a fukked up respiratory system and diabetics right? Some of you have ass nutritional it's need to hop off that bull. It's all just terrible advice.

No bull shyt my ass when you tell a nikka to eat just anything and he ends up a fat ass who has to go on shots to keep him alive you'll fukking see. "No bullshyt" meaning ignore fukking facts and pretend like anyone can do this shyt. Or maybe you're all just ignorant to the realities of the situation.
"Not everone who eats more gains weight" "If u tell someone to eat anything they will become morbidly obese" Lol which is it

Bottom line if someone is trying to gain weight and isn't they aren't eating enough. Theres nothing else to it.

There is plenty of advice on an ideal rate of weight gain to shoot for as well, along with an ideal weight to target. So yea, if someone is gaining 2+lb a week they are doing too much. If someone puts on 100lbs in a year they are doing too much. But the info to gain weight in a smart way is out there. Your inability to understand and follow directions doesn't change science. You are probably not special and are more likely just doing something wrong.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
You just don't get it. Not all men were made to pack on serious amounts of muscle it's not an excuse it's a damn fact. Some nikka's eat loads and don't gain shyt. You short sighted dudes are going to fukk around and give someone diabetes talking about junk food and fats.
it's just physics :skip: