From being Wayne, at one point one of the most talented ever in hiphop.To over the last decade or so being a junkie we remember about every once in a while who drops a hot couple of words and the stamp on his career will now be that he wasn't chosen for one of the biggest sporting events of the year being held in his own town. No one to blame but himself.
Breh, what's to blame? It's the Superbowl. They don't pick the performers based on the city.
They did that one time in LA, but even then they had 50, Mary J and Eminem on there.
Harry Connick Jr is from New Orleans, he's not complaining about not being chosen.
Not saying YOU, but this is like most things nowadays, a bunch of internet people start talking about a cause they don't know squat about. Ppl who don't even watch football at all are weighing in on this