Black folks got a war at home.
Stay focused on what matters and let government handle this. This like when the asains wanted our support. Fam we got our own shyt to handle

fukkin tired of helping others when we are probably one of the most damaged racial groups and STILL broke as shyt in the western world
I get where you coming from, but from another perspective, almost everyone has always done that. Worry about themselves. Who do you think these colonialists will target next.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
On that note, everyone has always done that, turn a blind eye. You know how white folks were so successful in colonizing and conquering and enslaving the entire world? Via British Empire, VOC, East India Trading Company, US Empire, etc... All those white folks fought against each other but when it came time against people of color, THEY ALL TEAMED UP TOGETHER. Gun boat Diplomacy 101. They all united together against a single common enemy; non whites.
We speak out for them because who else will? same thing when you are being oppressed with that fake news drivel they keep making POC look bad, we had white folks speak out and other white folks listen to white folks (They absolutely do not listen to POC because our words have little meaning).
I think if you want to know your future, you must always look at history.
White countries have always used religion and race as a means unite as a front that allows them to feel superiority over others while thinking they're the 'GOOD GUYS' (who doesnt think theyre the good guys, even hitler thought he was good) for spreading their religion or justifying colonialism because the white man has "brought technology" to savages (POC) or other bs they make up to live with themselves.
Although settler colonialism often comes with a religious and or ethnic component, but it is rarely if ever the primary motivating factor. The one thing these evil people on the planet fear most, is a united front against them. How do you think colonalists destroy the country?
They divide the people then conquer; European/Americans are masters at this.
Look at the Spanish, they came in to S America, didnt have much of a standing army but conquered the entire continent. Why?
They pitted faction against each other (incas, mexicans, other minorities) and allied and destroyed the MAJORITY (Incas, Aztecs), and Spanish put a BOOTLICKER as a puppet while the minority (whom were oppressed previously) rule. Spanish ruled the minority bootlickers. This is how it works. The minority will look at the spanish as friends while they now start oppressing the majority. Like how the US put a fascist in charge of Cuba before Castro.
Spanish quickly embeded themselves in S America. They noticed the factions between Mexicans, Incas and other groups and had them fight each other then conquered them. Same with INDIA. Partition of india. British used divide and conquer with religion, they split the country into India and Pakistan. Millions died and this war has now been going on for centuries.
Same thing with North and South Korea. Same with Vietnam (although vietnam united). Same with South America with indigenous vs the 'white spanish' who rule south america.
Same in China and Hong Kong.
Same with Sunni and Shia.
Same in Africa
You can see what Divide and conquer does to a nation, look at republicans and democrats. Now imagine that in the most EXTREME fashion.
This is why POC need to UNITE. They want us to fight against each other because thats what works. They want us to be busy hating each other, while they rule us.
Ever wonder why they only show black folks targeting asians? Look at Canada and their assaults on asians, its almost 4 times the rate of America during this pandemic. They want us to be divided.
They want to play white savior while pitting poc against each other. We need unity, not division.
Do the exact opposite of what they want.
When has ignoring everything ever worked out in history?