Looks like another what looks to be an American Jew settler that moved to Israel to steal. Modern day colonialism.
Silence you under the guise of 'anti semitism'.
What I don't get is that how can anti-semite only apply to jews? When in the dictionary, the definition of the word
: a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs
Interesting that only a small group of whites in a predominantly brown region are afforded the protections from discrimination and racism while they are clearly the aggressors in a land grab while all the countries watch by and if you say anything, you're racist right?
Now where have we seen these type of folks have the privilege and power, killing and stealing from brown folks while painting themselves as the victims to mask their crimes...
Oh wait, we actually seen this movie before.
Native Americans and Aboriginals in Canada and Australia were wiped off the face of the map too but they didn’t get any special laws to protect them because only people in power write laws not victims, as laws are only meant to restrict competition. European Colonialism. Gold, God, Glory.