Israeli military forces out here being scumbags again


Nov 19, 2016
Brehs this shyt is sad, sophisticated weaponry vs rocks :mjcry:
Gotta know when you're outgunned. Hamas has fired thousands of misses with most not getting through the iron dome.

Israel does a morning bomb run that dwarfs it.

This isn't a winning nor sustainable strategy. So what's the goal? :patrice:


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Gotta know when you're outgunned. Hamas has fired thousands of misses with most not getting through the iron dome.

Israel does a morning bomb run that dwarfs it.

This isn't a winning nor sustainable strategy. So what's the goal? :patrice:

Resistance is the goal. You can’t negotiate on unequal grounds. Hamas getting better with the rockets helps to balance the political situation, in colonial resistance there isn’t any rules. Whether they can sustain an actual military campaign isn’t the point the point is to fully expose the hypocrisy of the situation.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Resistance is the goal. You can’t negotiate on unequal grounds. Hamas getting better with the rockets helps to balance the political situation, in colonial resistance there isn’t any rules. Whether they can sustain an actual military campaign isn’t the point the point is to fully expose the hypocrisy of the situation.

Hamas using aid money to make their rockets "better" is exactly why the Gazans are in the situation that they are in now. :what:

Imagine Hamas actually used the aid money for crazy things like water, infrastructure, schools, etc. You know...all the things the Gazan people are missing that you guys think is Israel's responsibility...

And Hamas getting "better" with rockets doesn't balance the political situation. It increases the risk to Israel which means they'll go extra hard to neutralize it leaving Palestinian civilians as collateral damage. Idk why you guys don't get that the greater threat Hamas poses, the worse off the civilians are in Gaza. The current blockade and "open air prison" is a direct result of Hamas clapping up their fellow Palestinians and taking power through violence. They got sanctioned for it and the Gazan populace gets to pay for Hamas' crimes. Get rid of Hamas and Israel has no justification for the blockade based on security needs.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Gotta know when you're outgunned. Hamas has fired thousands of misses with most not getting through the iron dome.

Israel does a morning bomb run that dwarfs it.

This isn't a winning nor sustainable strategy. So what's the goal? :patrice:

Resistance is the goal. You can’t negotiate on unequal grounds. Hamas getting better with the rockets helps to balance the political situation, in colonial resistance there isn’t any rules. Whether they can sustain an actual military campaign isn’t the point the point is to fully expose the hypocrisy of the situation.

It only improves the negotiating position for Hamas itself. The actual people are completely fukked over in the process.

This is always the story of asymmetrical warfare. Look at Vietnam, look at Cambodia, look at Afghanistan, look at Iraq, look at Palestine, etc. The outgunned rebels may drive out the invaders in the end, or they may not, but the regular people stay getting fukked the entire time and never end up better than where they started.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
It only improves the negotiating position for Hamas itself. The actual people are completely fukked over in the process.

This is always the story of asymmetrical warfare. Look at Vietnam, look at Cambodia, look at Afghanistan, look at Iraq, look at Palestine, etc. The outgunned rebels may drive out the invaders in the end, or they may not, but the regular people stay getting fukked the entire time and never end up better than where they started.

Its a sad cost of decolonization. The only negotiation that can take place with an oppressor is shyt that would be deemed terrorism. No one wants to see it but that’s the reality of the situation. Plus I’m not sure Vietnamese would fully agree with you but we’d need to ask one to find out. I grew up hearing the stories of my grandfather and great grandfather fighting the Italian fascists in Ethiopia. shyt was graphic, brutal, savage, it made me wonder what I couldn’t be told. So I understand that liberation is incredibly ugly. It’s extremely rare that there is a bloodless Revolution.

On another note, Biden is a fukkin idiot. He’s on his way to Michigan right now for a rally as if that’s not the hub of Arab America and a place with many Palestinians as well as the state of the first Palestinian rep in Congress.

I hope it’s pure hell for him.


Nov 20, 2014
Hamas using aid money to make their rockets "better" is exactly why the Gazans are in the situation that they are in now. :what:

Imagine Hamas actually used the aid money for crazy things like water, infrastructure, schools, etc. You know...all the things the Gazan people are missing that you guys think is Israel's responsibility...

And Hamas getting "better" with rockets doesn't balance the political situation. It increases the risk to Israel which means they'll go extra hard to neutralize it leaving Palestinian civilians as collateral damage. Idk why you guys don't get that the greater threat Hamas poses, the worse off the civilians are in Gaza. The current blockade and "open air prison" is a direct result of Hamas clapping up their fellow Palestinians and taking power through violence. They got sanctioned for it and the Gazan populace gets to pay for Hamas' crimes. Get rid of Hamas and Israel has no justification for the blockade based on security needs.
Wow. Israel would still be doing what they've done even if Hamas wasn't there. It wasn't Hamas who ruled Israel could steal land that wasn't theirs. Israel put the blockade in because they want to eradicate Palestinians and make so bad they leave and Israelis get the land. It wasn't Hamas who attacked worshipping people on a holy day on a holy site. Asking someone to not fight for their lands while you steal them is akin to telling native Americans they should be happy the US government controls their land for them despite the US allowing private companies to destroy it. Black Americans should've been Happy not being slaves rather than MLK Jr and others fighting for civil rights because at least they were "free". Palestinians have a right to their lands regardless of what Israel may think and if Hamas is the only way that Palestinians are allowed to fight back because the rest of the world dgaf then they're fighting with the hand they were dealt.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Hamas using aid money to make their rockets "better" is exactly why the Gazans are in the situation that they are in now. :what:

Imagine Hamas actually used the aid money for crazy things like water, infrastructure, schools, etc. You know...all the things the Gazan people are missing that you guys think is Israel's responsibility...

And Hamas getting "better" with rockets doesn't balance the political situation. It increases the risk to Israel which means they'll go extra hard to neutralize it leaving Palestinian civilians as collateral damage. Idk why you guys don't get that the greater threat Hamas poses, the worse off the civilians are in Gaza. The current blockade and "open air prison" is a direct result of Hamas clapping up their fellow Palestinians and taking power through violence. They got sanctioned for it and the Gazan populace gets to pay for Hamas' crimes. Get rid of Hamas and Israel has no justification for the blockade based on security needs.

No, maintaining an occupation is why Gazans aren’t in their current state. Hamas is a symptom of out of control settler colonialism. Their violence, whether we choose to accept it or reject it, is all a symptom of extremist Zionism. When the shoe was on the other foot with groups like the Stern Gang and Haganah it was different, but now that you’ve got Jewish Lebensraum in progress now it’s different.

The only reason why something as bad as Hamas was able to exist at all is because of the abhorrent colonial Israeli state.


Nov 19, 2016
Resistance is the goal. You can’t negotiate on unequal grounds. Hamas getting better with the rockets helps to balance the political situation, in colonial resistance there isn’t any rules. Whether they can sustain an actual military campaign isn’t the point the point is to fully expose the hypocrisy of the situation.
The strategy doesn't seem to be paying dividends. People seemingly are more concerned about the journalist than the Palestinians.


May 3, 2012
Run Thru U Like Skattebo
Which is what I said in the first place.

Proxy wars is what would be the battleground. Iran isn’t marching into Israel when they can just pay and supply Isis or whatever poor Arab they can recruit to go into Israel and bomb them.

You see what happened against a conventional army and Iranian backed rebels in Yemen.

Again. Scorch Earth the land wouldn’t help the Palestinians but it would get the Israelis.

The last two decades in Afghan and Iraq has taught them how to take on an overwhelming military force. It’s not with tanks.
you said we would not go to war for them because they have no value. i said they do have value to the CIA and the only reason we would not go to war is because our government strengthened israel up so it would not need that. that means if it were somehow needed, america would fight, but they made sure it did not have to happen.

a terrorist proxy war will do nothing but give israel more cover to restrict the lives of palestinians.

you cant scorch israel, you would die going over there.

afghanistan and iraq are not teachable lessons because in this case, the superior power would be the one with homefield advantage and a reason to fight that most of their population could get behind. it would force the weaker fighters to go on the offensive, which makes them easier to kill en masse. guerilla war works when you are just harassing an invader while waiting for them to decide to leave, not when you are attempting to travel to another country and perform "scorched earth", whatever that means. also, iraq is an instance of regime change being successful and the new iraqi army and the kurdish forces eventually repelled ISIS.

the lack of checks on israel's power is why the situation is so bleak for palestinians - there is no hard power way to do anything, and soft power is consistently undermined. AIPAC and its surrogates have done a good enough job making BDS seem "antisemetic".

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Its a sad cost of decolonization. The only negotiation that can take place with an oppressor is shyt that would be deemed terrorism. No one wants to see it but that’s the reality of the situation. Plus I’m not sure Vietnamese would fully agree with you but we’d need to ask one to find out. I grew up hearing the stories of my grandfather and great grandfather fighting the Italian fascists in Ethiopia. shyt was graphic, brutal, savage, it made me wonder what I couldn’t be told. So I understand that liberation is incredibly ugly. It’s extremely rare that there is a bloodless Revolution.

On another note, Biden is a fukkin idiot. He’s on his way to Michigan right now for a rally as if that’s not the hub of Arab America and a place with many Palestinians as well as the state of the first Palestinian rep in Congress.

I hope it’s pure hell for him.

There are ways to minimize (not eliminate) the human toll of revolutions and it virtually always ends up better for the people. Not only is it more likely to succeed on average, but the "success" is better for the people and even if there is failure, it is a less devastating failure.

I don't really know Vietnamese that I talk to like that but I do know Cambodians. Ask them how they feel the Khmer Rouge's resistance turned out for everyone.

Why nonviolent resistance beats violent force in effecting social, political change


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
If America wouldn’t go into Syrian to stop a genocide of a defenseless population, they sure as crap ain’t going boots on the ground to Israel.
you said we would not go to war for them because they have no value. i said they do have value to the CIA and the only reason we would not go to war is because our government strengthened israel up so it would not need that. that means if it were somehow needed, america would fight, but they made sure it did not have to happen..

I said America goes for oil. Israel has no commodity value. Going in for lives and safety with no European support isn’t what we do.

America has CIA interest across the Middle East. Israel is important but we have bases across the Middle East in Arab counties that direct involvement would endanger.

a terrorist proxy war will do nothing but give israel more cover to restrict the lives of palestinians.

you cant scorch israel, you would die going over there..

Scorch earth is about ruining the land. Agains like I said. Palestinians wouldn’t be helped but many of these leaders of other countries wouldn’t care. Just ruining Israel for the Israelis is the point.

afghanistan and iraq are not teachable lessons because in this case, the superior power would be the one with homefield advantage and a reason to fight that most of their population could get behind. it would force the weaker fighters to go on the offensive, which makes them easier to kill en masse. guerilla war works when you are just harassing an invader while waiting for them to decide to leave, not when you are attempting to travel to another country and perform "scorched earth", whatever that means. also, iraq is an instance of regime change being successful and the new iraqi army and the kurdish forces eventually repelled ISIS.

the lack of checks on israel's power is why the situation is so bleak for palestinians - there is no hard power way to do anything, and soft power is consistently undermined. AIPAC and its surrogates have done a good enough job making BDS seem "antisemetic".

This is false.

Tribal/Nationalist wars like during Korea or India-Pakistan after partition uses guerilla warfare of the same people divided by ideology but backed but proxy forces.

There is no home field advantage

You seem to be under the idea the anyone outside of Palestinian want to beat the Israelis. The link between Iraq and Afghanistan isn’t about winning. It’s how to move terrorist across nations and how to make a superior military suffer.
That’s what makes this situation more dangerous. These other countries don’t want the land or care about the Palestinians. But the opportunity to punch Israel in the face for a year without risking your own military. Too sweet.

If you don’t think terrorist would sneak into Israel just like our “ally” Turkey allowed terrorist across into Iraq you are crazy.

scorched earth", whatever that means.

it’s an ancient military policy from Rome. Look it up
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Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
There are ways to minimize (not eliminate) the human toll of revolutions and it virtually always ends up better for the people. Not only is it more likely to succeed on average, but the "success" is better for the people and even if there is failure, it is a less devastating failure.

I don't really know Vietnamese that I talk to like that but I do know Cambodians. Ask them how they feel the Khmer Rouge's resistance turned out for everyone.

Why nonviolent resistance beats violent force in effecting social, political change

In this instance what chance of that is there? Of course there are less bloody ways to do this but how? The negotiations have failed. The PA has failed. The UN’s efforts have failed. International law has failed. The champions of human rights in the West have failed. What redress is there? :wtf:

If WE in America protest it’s anti Semitic so what chance does protest have over there? If you negotiate then you’re not worthy of negotiating with. If you fight back then it’s terrorism. There are no alternatives, are there? :wtf:


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
There are ways to minimize (not eliminate) the human toll of revolutions and it virtually always ends up better for the people. Not only is it more likely to succeed on average, but the "success" is better for the people and even if there is failure, it is a less devastating failure.

I don't really know Vietnamese that I talk to like that but I do know Cambodians. Ask them how they feel the Khmer Rouge's resistance turned out for everyone.

Why nonviolent resistance beats violent force in effecting social, political change
I don’t think that article relates to what’s happening with Israel enacting an apartheid against Palestinians.

This one of Chenoworth’s pillars to successful non-violent resistance:
I think it really boils down to four different things. The first is a large and diverse participation that’s sustained.

The second thing is that [the movement] needs to elicit loyalty shifts among security forces in particular, but also other elites. Security forces are important because they ultimately are the agents of repression, and their actions largely decide how violent the confrontation with — and reaction to — the nonviolent campaign is going to be in the end. But there are other security elites, economic and business elites, state media. There are lots of different pillars that support the status quo, and if they can be disrupted or coerced into noncooperation, then that’s a decisive factor.

Can you see the Israeli military doing that? Or the Israeli elites?

Also, a lot of non-violent resistance movements also has a violent threat from others.

From what I’ve observed, Israel and the west have either killed or discredited non-violent Palestinian leaders over the last 50 years. And since half of the Palestinian population is under 18, who is the current non-violent group/leader?

Any time I hear that Hamas is doing Palestinians a disservice, I think back to what happened prior and notice that the many times they have negotiated, Israel have not followed through and made life even more hell. Instead of blaming the Palestinians, and I am not saying you are doing that, we need to scrutinize the Israelis for their false promises and violence.

This feels more and more like the German Holocaust, or the USA’s extermination of First Nations, than a simple protest movement.