Puts a smile on my face because them devils are on full display
here is my reason I grew up studying that shyt like all religious brehs on here
them Abrahamic cults about to get small hats and euro cacs wiped off the earth because they really really think some messiah gonna bail them out in the end that's why they are doing what they are doing.
they believe the bull shyt they spew they done drunk the kool-aid when you drink the kool aid that's the end (word to jim jones)
but the thing is no messiah to bail them out
the torah is a damn lie they literally have to self fulfill it
but that's the trick bag it's their downfall
always was a ancient world psyop to get it's followers killed in mass #'s.
And for the religious brehs that post here that take the book as gospel
Looking more and more that USA and Israel is the beast and the Harlot
now which one is the Harlot

now the harlot rides the beast until the beast gets told to through her off
Israel does ride america.....
Now I say alot about that book but they did warn us about fake Jews like sccit
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but do lie — behold, I will make them to come and worship at thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Satan means slander what does modern Israel/Zionist do and always only do is SLANDER

we are seeing it in real time.
So I will give the bible it's just do when it comes to that truth I can't deny that is being full field
now lets say the gospels are real and they made the torah to taint it's truth