Ireland has been pretty vocal about it also.Part of my thinking was that their wealth & influence would weigh heavily in Palestine's favor. No one other than AOC, Bernie, Yanis Vanouklis the Greek Minister, have come out forcefully against this.
Ireland has been pretty vocal about it also.Part of my thinking was that their wealth & influence would weigh heavily in Palestine's favor. No one other than AOC, Bernie, Yanis Vanouklis the Greek Minister, have come out forcefully against this.
Love of money is the root of all evil. If muslims were TRULY united, it would be scary for the Western world. You saw what they did when they were just partially united.
Very few groups have had the USA more shook than radical Islamists.
Also… you really have to blame Muslims in that region for having
1. Zero solidarity. The whole Shia vs Sunni quagmire ultimately led to self destabilization.
2. Oil rich countries like Saudi Arabia and Dubai let money and wealth supersede everything else. They became slaves to western capitalism, and didn’t care about advances in technology and unfortunately, military.
If all of those countries had put Islamic technicalities aside and evolved, the United States wouldn’t be there and Israel wouldn’t be there either. They probably wouldn’t exist.
The problem with the world is pure CAC white people only make up roughly 20-30% of humans, yet they have the most influence.
There only being one super power is also a problem. There’s no balance. One country has power over everything. Not enough parity.
Palestine is a result of eons of white supremacy, colonization and white privilege.
urban warfare is incredibly difficult, and israeli puts a very high price on a jewish lifecoli war generals thinking hamas has a chance, them dudes gonna get razed
coli war generals thinking hamas has a chance, them dudes gonna get razed
Also… you really have to blame Muslims in that region for having
1. Zero solidarity. The whole Shia vs Sunni quagmire ultimately led to self destabilization.
2. Oil rich countries like Saudi Arabia and Dubai let money and wealth supersede everything else. They became slaves to western capitalism, and didn’t care about advances in technology and unfortunately, military.
If all of those countries had put Islamic technicalities aside and evolved, the United States wouldn’t be there and Israel wouldn’t be there either. They probably wouldn’t exist.
The problem with the world is pure CAC white people only make up roughly 20-30% of humans, yet they have the most influence.
There only being one super power is also a problem. There’s no balance. One country has power over everything. Not enough parity.
Palestine is a result of eons of white supremacy, colonization and white privilege.
Love of money is the root of all evil. If muslims were TRULY united, it would be scary for the Western world. You saw what they did when they were just partially united.