Israel becomes major hub in the international cocaine trade, abuse rising

Jun 24, 2012
And just like clockwork...

@thekingsmen literally copied and pasted off that angelfire page word for word. Just as I knew he would. :russ:

Well then, since I know you didn't actually research the stuff you posted, lemme school you on how easy it is to tear apart from someone who has.

1.) Last time I checked, Israel descended through Shem's line, not Ham's. Notice how it says israel came INTO Egypt. Or are you forgetting Joseph (along with the Pharaoh) invited his father Jacob and his relatives to come down into Egypt. (Genesis 45:16-47:27)

2.) Anyone with half a brain knows the Hebrews intermixed with many different groups.

The Hamites are an obvious one. We know this since Joseph's sons Ephraim and Manesseh were the sons of an Egyptian mother. Sheshan had no sons, and was forced to continue the line through his daughter via marriage to his Egyptian servant. Moses married a Cushyte. Judah married a Canaanite.

And despite all that....

Exodus 12:38

And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle.

Now why would there be a need to mention them being a mixed multitude if they were supposedly the same color and ethnicity as the Egyptians?

Did you know the Hebrews also intermixed with Persians as well? (Book of Esther).

Along with the Greeks

Acts 16:1-5

"Paul went on also to Derbe and to Lystra, where there was a disciple named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer; but his father was a Greek."

And Romans

Acts 24:24

"And after certain days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ."

Even to this day, Jews are a mixed people. Comprised of every ethnicity and shade you can think of.

3.) Taking Amos 9:7 outta context is plain laughable ... since tha passage is clearly talking about Israel's sin being comparable to the cushytes, not their skintone. Especially since skintone isn't implied once there. This becomes more than obvious once one reads the 6 verses before and after that one. Reading the passage in it's original Hebrew also verifies that.


Jeremiah 13:23

Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots?
Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil.

Now WHY would there be a need to differentiate between a Ethiopian's skintone and a Hebrews if the were both supposedly "black nations"

4.) I find it amusing how you complain about english being distorted and used outta context... yet have no problem promoting agenda which do just that when it's something you agree with. Funny, cause Songs 5:11 also says this head was like pure gold.

FYI, qevutstsoth and taltallim in hebrew literally mean locks of hair, not dredlocks. Taltallim is normally rendered as curly or wavy.

In fact, all English bibles prior to the KJV used the words curly or wavy in songs 5:11, not bushy.

Ironically in the KJV, dazzling (tzach) is translated as white. Just goes to show you how trust worthy their translation is.

Last but not least, Songs 5:10 states:

"My lover is dazzling and Adom (red, ruddy). outstanding among ten thousand."

Adom=reddish skintone. Not white, but certainly not black. Especially since Solomon's lover, the shunammite women, literally refers to herself as black in songs 1:5

5.) Notice how when Phillip approached the Ethiopian Eunuch he didn't confuse him for a Hebrew? And vise versa?

But lemme toss another conspiracy theory you didn't C&P into the mix and debunk it thoroughly.

Acts 21:38 (Roman soliders question Paul)

"Are you not the Egyptian who some time ago stirred up a rebellion and led the four thousand assassins out into the wilderness?”

The premise is, since the Egyptians were originally black Paul had to have been black himself for them to confuse him for one.

Meanwhile... the Fayum mummy portraits say it all.





^This is what Egyptians looked like during the 1st-3rd century AD.

Or are you forgetting the part where Persia, Greece and Rome came through and crushed the buildings?

Egypt was a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic hub during the time of the apostles. Alexandria had the largest community of Jews outside the holy land at the time (1 million).

6.) Let's examine Lamentations 5:10 a little closer

The word "black" there (Which is only translated as such in the KJV) is actually kamar, which means HOT in hebrew, not black.

Every bible translation aside from the KJV translates that verse correctly

"Our skin has become HOT like an oven because of the burning of the famine."

7.) So, skin only appears white on black people?






8.) You do realize Deuteronomy and Leviticus were written BEFORE the Israelites fell into disobedience? Or are you conveniently leaving out the part where they were forced into captivity by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans?

I guess Jerusalem wasn't destroyed twice. Nor was it ever besieged, attacked, captured and recaptured.

Nor were there any massacres that took place outside the holy land.

Oh and for the record.... Israel isn't Western Asian, African or European.

It is EVERYONE who believes in the messiah as lord and savior. Point blank.

I got many sources my friend...but since you think the Bible is wrong then your point was invalid.

1. I mentioned Ham as part of this culture. Ham are a Semitic group and so is Shem. Your group Japeth isn't Semitie. I can always bring in Shem as a example.

2. They mixed with their Semitic brothers....yes.

3. You haven't brought links to the skin tone of the Hebrews from your links....which you won't and can't produce.

4. Reddish which is close to Bronze or Brown skin. Any real person could know that the person wasn't actually red color. Reddish hair was well known also among the Hebrews.

5. Why are you showing me A.D. pics of mixed during the invaders conquering of Kemet? And the condescending tone of "Oh did you forget or did you know?" :wtb:
Im sorry you are the only one who looked at history. The mix of their facial features and eyes still fit of someone who is Ethiopian. Especially your 2nd and last pic. Which proves what? Where are the Ashkenaz's in all this? Nowhere.

7. You are showing me pics of Virgilio which is already up there. Now who are the pics of? Obviously people of brown skin. I've seen it on Indigenous People, Blacks and Asians from Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia. Where are the Ashkenaz community pics of them having it?

8. Here we go again, trying to be condescending again. I will avoid the points on irrelevant parts of the thread. If Israel is what you claim to say why can't Christians and Muslims of America be citizens. Oh being it's a Jewish State( based of the Talmud, not Moses Law).

9. You avoided the descriptions of the Hebrews and their curses and punishments to your argument that Ashkenazis have all of it. If you claim them to be of the Tribe of Israel....what tribe are they from? Where are their issues of punishment and curses? Not once have you brought that up but brought up stupid maps and history that doesn't even fit their own.


Jun 28, 2013
I got many sources my friend...but since you think the Bible is wrong then your point was invalid.

1. I mentioned Ham as part of this culture. Ham are a Semitic group and so is Shem. Your group Japeth isn't Semitie. I can always bring in Shem as a example.

2. They mixed with their Semitic brothers....yes.

3. You haven't brought links to the skin tone of the Hebrews from your links....which you won't and can't produce.

4. Reddish which is close to Bronze or Brown skin. Any real person could know that the person wasn't actually red color. Reddish hair was well known also among the Hebrews.

5. Why are you showing me A.D. pics of mixed during the invaders conquering of Kemet? And the condescending tone of "Oh did you forget or did you know?" :wtb:
Im sorry you are the only one who looked at history. The mix of their facial features and eyes still fit of someone who is Ethiopian. Especially your 2nd and last pic. Which proves what? Where are the Ashkenaz's in all this? Nowhere.

7. You are showing me pics of Virgilio which is already up there. Now who are the pics of? Obviously people of brown skin. I've seen it on Indigenous People, Blacks and Asians from Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia. Where are the Ashkenaz community pics of them having it?

8. Here we go again, trying to be condescending again. I will avoid the points on irrelevant parts of the thread. If Israel is what you claim to say why can't Christians and Muslims of America be citizens. Oh being it's a Jewish State( based of the Talmud, not Moses Law).

9. You avoided the descriptions of the Hebrews and their curses and punishments to your argument that Ashkenazis have all of it. If you claim them to be of the Tribe of Israel....what tribe are they from? Where are their issues of punishment and curses? Not once have you brought that up but brought up stupid maps and history that doesn't even fit their own.

Lol I think the bible is invalid? Yet I've clearly been quoting from it all throughout this thread. Step your reading comprehension skills up.

1.) For starters, Japheth isn't my "group", and you're absolutely wrong.

Ham is Hametic. Shem is Shemitic. Japheth is Japhetic. Either way, They were all brothers from the same father and mother.

You also fail to realize that in order for Noah and his wife to produce polar opposite skintones (black and white) without a prior descendant of either color, they had to have a skintone which was the middle ground for both. This is why they were almost 100% likely of a reddish brown complexion, as were their ancestors. Seeing as how the words Adom and Admoniy (red) plus Dam (blood) all derive from Adam's name. Which means he was red too.

Another interesting point. the Shemites dwelled inbetween the Hamites and Japhetites. Just as their skintone was inbetween both.


All three had wives who were more than likely red as well. For example, just looking at the ancient hieroglyphics one can see the og Egyptians depicted themselves in a wide variety of shades and colors. Just as all ethnic groups on this earth come in many shades and colors as well.


So instead of letting skin tone dictate your opinion of people, you should try focusing on each person's character on a case by case basis. Cause TRUST ME, there have been just as many evil black & brown men to walk the earth as there have been crooked white men.

2.) They also mixed with their Japhetic kin....

3.) Admoniy and Adom?

The word red in hebrew literally derives from Adam.

in 1st Samuel 16:12 David is called red. Songs 5:10, Solomon is called red, Lamentations 4:7, Israel is collectively referred to as red. Even Esau is called admoniy/red in Genesis 25:25. He and Jacob were twins (Genesis 25:24) which means Jacob was also red.

Black in hebrew is shachor

4.) Thing is, Song 5:11 says pure gold (paz), not bronze (nechosheth). Since Solomon is referred to as both, we can assume he was a complexion similar to Derek Jeter.

Funny thing is, reddish brown and pure gold, or yellow, are essentially the color of those Egyptians from the Fayum Potraits.

Whereas this...


Would qualify as shachor.

Anyways, the lightening and darkening of the hebrews was a direct result of their intermixing with the hamites and japhetites. Not a result of them being either/or naturally.

5.) Because it's relative to our discussion. Especially when dudes like you try creating false correlations by taking scripture outta context.

And since you insist on bringing up the Ashkenazis, here's some more Fayum portraits of Egyptians.




along with some famous Ashkenazi jews




But I guess you assume people, including jews, only come in one shade. As if i just didn't explain to you how the hebrews, like the Egyptians, gradually became more mixed and took on the shades of the people they came in contact with.

7.) Well let's see.


^Here goes a white child with vitiligo.


And another one.

But apparently you seem to think that only a select group of people can get it.

8.) Romans 9:6-8

"It is not as though God’s word had failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham’s children. On the contrary, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.”In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring."

Romans 2:28-29

A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from God.

9.) Who said the Ashkenazi jews are the tribe of Israel? They are one of the many descendants of the og people, along with the lemba and sephardis, among other jewish groups.

I'm simply pointing out your errors in trying to discredit them by using off kilter conspiracy theories.

And quite frankly, if you're gonna use the excuse of them not being able to physically trace back their lineage, you're gonna find that all other jews have that same problem. Each group tells the stories of their ancestry through oral tradition, but none of them can bust out a list ala The Book of Chronicles and run down their lineage one by one.

Since you mentioned curses, Here's something interesting from Deuteronomy 28.

Deuteronomy 28:27

The Lord will strike you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors, with the scab, and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed.

Ashkenazi jews literally suffer from rare genetic diseases which are not curable... at, all.

As for the Talmud, I could honestly care less about it. Seeing as it's extra biblical literature which derives from the teachings of Rabbinic Judaism, which derives from the Pharisees. Nuff said. Sidenote: the Mosaic law saves no one (Galatians 3)

You don't seem to be grasping the concept of the new convenant in the New Testament.

Israel today is everyone who accepts Yeshua as lord and savior.

Being a physical descendant of the og hebrews doesn't gaurentee anyone anything. All Jews, from the Lemba, to the Ashkenazi to the Sephardic, to the Yemeni, etc have to accept the messiah in order to be counted.

Romans 10:1

Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.
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Jun 24, 2012
Lol I think the bible is invalid? Yet I've clearly been quoting from it all throughout this thread. Step your reading comprehension skills up.

1.) For starters, Japheth isn't my "group", and you're absolutely wrong.

Ham is Hametic. Shem is Shemitic. Japheth is Japhetic. Either way, They were all brothers from the same father and mother.

You also fail to realize that in order for Noah and his wife to produce polar opposite skintones (black and white) without a prior descendant of either color, they had to have a skintone which was the middle ground for both. This is why they were almost 100% likely of a reddish brown complexion, as were their ancestors. Seeing as how the words Adom and Admoniy (red) plus Dam (blood) all derive from Adam's name. Which means he was red too.

Another interesting point. the Shemites dwelled inbetween the Hamites and Japhetites. Just as their skintone was inbetween both.


All three had wives who were more than likely red as well. For example, just looking at the ancient hieroglyphics one can see the og Egyptians depicted themselves in a wide variety of shades and colors. Just as all ethnic groups on this earth come in many shades and colors as well.


So instead of letting skintone dictate your opinion of people, you should try focusing on each person's character on a case by case basis. Cause TRUST ME, there have been just as many evil black & brown men to walk the earth as there have been crooked white men.

2.) They also mixed with their Japhetic kin....

3.) Admoniy and Adom?

The word red in hebrew literally derives from Adam.

in 1st Samuel 16:12 David is called red. Songs 5:10, Solomon is called red, Lamentations 4:7, Israel is collectively referred to as red. Even Esau is called admoniy/red in Genesis 25:25. He and Jacob were twins (Genesis 25:24) which means Jacob was also red.

Black in hebrew is shachor

4.) I already touched on that.

Funny thing is, reddish brown and bronze are essentially the color of those Egyptians from the Fayum Potraits.

Whereas this...


Would qualify as shachor.

Anyways, the lightening and darkening of the hebrews was a direct result of their intermixing with the hamites and japhetites. Not a result of them being either/or naturally.

5.) Because it's relative to our discussion, especially when people, like you, try creating false corrolations by taking scripture outta context.

And since you insist on bringing up the Ashkenazis, here's some more Fayum portraits of Egyptians.




along with some famous Ashkenazi jews




But I guess you assume people, including jews, only come in one shade. As if i just didn't explain to you how the hebrews, like the Egyptians, gradually became more mixed and took on the shades of the people that came in contact with.

7.) Well let's see.


^Here goes a white child with vitiligo.


And another one.

But apparently you seem to think that only a select group of people can get it.

8.) Romans 9:6-8

"It is not as though God’s word had failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel.Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham’s children. On the contrary, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.”In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring."

Romans 2:28-29

A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code.Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from God.

Who said the Ashkenazi jews are the tribe of Israel? They are one of the many descendants of the og people, along with the lemba and sephardis, among other jewish groups.

I'm simply pointing out your errors in trying to discredit them by using off kilter conspiracy theories.

And quite frankly, if you're gonna use the excuse of them not being able to physically trace back their lineage, you're gonna find that all other jews have that same problem. Each group tells the stories of their ancestry through oral tradition, but none of them can bust out a list ala The Book of Chronicles and run down their lineage one by one.

Since you mentioned curses, Here's something interesting from Deuteronomy 28.

Deuteronomy 28:27

The Lord will strike you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors, with the scab, and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed.

While all jews suffer from genetic skin diseases that are only exclusive to them, Ashkenazi jews literally have some that are not curable... at, all.

As for the Talmud, I could honestly care less about it. Seeing as it's extra biblical literature which derives from the teachings of Rabbinic Judaism, which derives from the Pharisees. Nuff said. Not to mention the Mosaic law saves no one (Galatians 3)

You don't seem to be grasping the concept of the new convenant in the New Testament.

Israel today is everyone who accepts Yeshua as lord and savior.

Being a physical descendant of the og hebrews doesn't gaurentee anyone anything. All Jews, from the Lemba, to the Ashkenazi to the Sephardic, to the Yemeni, etc have to accept the messiah in order to be counted.

Romans 10:1

Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.

1. If you believe the world only had 2 people in it and Abraham was a Jew without a mother being one. Alot of crock created in the Bible. Especially since Most of it was rehashed stories from Egypt and other cultures before Judaism existed. Alot of good geographical semantics but alot of stuff that doesn't fit. The geographics of the Garden of Eden being in Ethiopia is a fact.

1A. The map you show is a perfect of example where Japeth is...and Ashkenaz is. They are no where near Israel or Judea. This proves my point.

2. Skin-Tones were around before the Bible was documented....this is nothing new. What needs to be addressed is your claim that Japeth was anything like Shem and Ham, he wasn't the light-skin brother. Those mixtures didn't happened until the times of Greek and Rome. Especially the ones you claim.

3. I know where the word comes from. Be careful of using words that sound like others similar. Adom( Atom) Adam. Get it. Esoteric words are used inter-changeable all the time.

4. The Fayum Portraits were way after the Dynasty's of Kemet was ravished by Greece and other invaders so saved the b.s. for someone else. We all know who took over Egypt in the A.D.

4A. I can add darker pics of the real Egyptians if you want but I won't because it would overcrowd the ones you have on here. The first pic you have isn't even European but of African Descent. The 2nd pic is European and the third pic looks Arabic. Nice try adding Goldblum to the mix....typical.

7. The Viliago Pics....not only are they obscured but doesn't prove that they are white. One is a older pic but you have no background on this child as well as the 2nd child who obviously looks skin tone wise as Indigenous.

8. Ummm ok. Too bad that doesn't work in real life.

9. So they aren't Semites and they aren't of the 12 Tribes. Well you know what that means. A imposter is a imposter. This again proves my point. How are you called the "Chosen People" and you weren't even Chosen. It fits right into White Supremacy my friend, not some conspiracy theory you created out of your head. Same goes for the whites stripping the land from the Africans in South Africa is the same thought pattern of the whites who stripped land from the Indigenous People, it's called Manifest Destiny. It's Apartheid, it's Racism, it's Genocide.

10. The scars with boils fit more with Keloids then what you claiming it to be. Keloids fit the bill for the description.

Many different ethnic groups have different genetic disease, that isn't anything new.

The Talmud sets the stage for the Rabbis who live in Israel now. They use the Talmud to create the violent racist environment for today in Israel. You have to worried about it cause it's the blueprint for the Apartheid. This is why this thread was created.


Jun 28, 2013
*Sidenote: I edited my initial post to correct a few errors and expose more of your logical fallacies. I can already see your ignorance isn't going to allow you to concede defeat, which you've certainly met in our back and forth. But I'm honestly having way to much fun exposing the holes in your conspiracy theories while showing just how uniformed you are about everything basically.

1a. What in the world are you rambling about? Who mentioned Abraham being a Jew? This is how i know for a fact you don't read the bible at all and get most of your info from Google and Angelfire. I bet you don't even know why Romans 9 makes reference to Abraham.

1b. :facepalm: You do realize that's a map of Genesis 10, right? It's like you have no concept of human migration.

2. What you need to address is why all 3 were physically quite different from one another, and yet still brothers. BLOOD BROTHERS at that.

3. :facepalm::facepalm:

4(A). And yet prior to the Greek, Roman and Persian invasions Egyptians already came in different shades and colors.

4(B). You seem to have missed my point all together.

7(Lol). :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

8. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:


Human migration. look it up... and don't comment anymore until you do. Cause last time I checked, the Lembas ancestors came from Yemen and traveled down the east coast of Africa to the south. Yet you aren't complaining about them.

10. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

So keloid scarring is an uncurable disease now? AND IS EXCLUSIVE TO ONLY ONE ETHNIC GROUP?


Everyone reading this, type keloid scars into google and have a good laugh at the expense of @thekingsmen


I already touched upon the talmud bruh. You're preaching to the choir.

Jews/Hebrews aren't exempt from evil.

Or are you forgetting the Pharisees were also Jews?

Or have you bothered reading the bible at all and learning about why the tribe of Benjamin became the smallest amongst the 12?

(Judges, Chapter 19-21)

Here's just a piece for your reading enjoyment.

'While they were enjoying themselves, some of the wicked men of the city surrounded the house. Pounding on the door, they shouted to the old man who owned the house, “Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him."'

In conclusion, step your knowledge up.
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Jun 24, 2012
The knowledge isn't lacking in my dept my friend because you have yet to connect Ashkenazi to any of what was said. You mentioned diseases which some are rare in the ethnic group and some that aren't as rapid in the group. You are showing pics of Europeans in Egypt after way after everyone had fled from it. You claim them as 12 Tribes but can't even mention what tribe are they in. You can't even show what seperates them from every other group that went through things in their history. I showed you those who have. How did the Ashkenazi's defend themselves so well when the Bible stated they couldn't since they are apart of the tribe you claim them to be.

You googled Keloid instead of looking up the link in the post. :stopitslime:. It's mentioned as a tumor but since White People are your savior go on and believe that isnt it.

How do you have religion D.N.A.? :russ: I wonder if my friend has a Christian Phenotype. I wonder if you know the stories are made from other stories of the ancient world.


Jun 28, 2013

Show me where I said I accept the Talmud, Apartheid and Zionism? Especially when I've made it clear that I reject the Talmud and openly denounce the Israeli government's treatment of Africans and Palestinians. I've even pointed out the involvement of many Jews in the slave trade.

But I'm also a defender of facts, not unfounded conspiracy theories. You don't gotta lie to kick it.

But if you do, just remember one thing.

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Jun 28, 2013
The knowledge isn't lacking in my dept my friend because you have yet to connect Ashkenazi to any of what was said. You mentioned diseases which some are rare in the ethnic group and some that aren't as rapid in the group. You are showing pics of Europeans in Egypt after way after everyone had fled from it. You claim them as 12 Tribes but can't even mention what tribe are they in. You can't even show what seperates them from every other group that went through things in their history. I showed you those who have. How did the Ashkenazi's defend themselves so well when the Bible stated they couldn't since they are apart of the tribe you claim them to be.

You googled Keloid instead of looking up the link in the post. :stopitslime:. It's mentioned as a tumor but since White People are your savior go on and believe that isnt it.

How do you have religion D.N.A.? :russ: I wonder if my friend has a Christian Phenotype. I wonder if you know the stories are made from other stories of the ancient world.

Lol stories made from other stories huh? Lemme know when you decide to copy and paste conspiracy theories created by Ashra Kwesi, Ray Hagins, Dr Ben or lord forbid, anything that ignorant brother Seti came up with, so I can debunk those too.

Oh, and I'm afraid your knowledge is severely lacking. Especially since you have yet to grasp the concept of human migration patterns. Not to mention the Jewish diaspora as a whole.

And you seem to forget that the Fayum paintings depicted Egyptians as a whole... i.e the children of Egyptian mothers and greek fathers, or Egyptian fathers and Jewish mothers, or Syrian fathers and Roman mothers, etc.











If Egypt was that mixed during the 1st century, you best believe Judea(Israel) was just as mixed.

As a sidenote, you seem to believe that the people of Kemet (BCE Kemet) were all just one color: jet black. Yet even in the Hieroglyphics they depicted themselves in a wide variety of shades and tones.

Like I said, go study the bible, etymology, genetics, history and basic grammar, then talk to me.

Cause this ether i'm giving you is making you look bad.
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Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
I see @Czar is at this mess again, How much they paying you breh? :russ:

2 questions Czar...
Czar what color is Maroon?
What people were called Maroons?

white folks aren't red...also this debunks all of that cacology that you subscribe to when it comes to the bible.

This proves that Shem, Ham, and Japheth were all indeed black once they got off that boat breh. Something (or Someone) changed their skin through was the Nephilim & their offspring.

cry moar :to:


Jun 28, 2013
I see @Czar is at this mess again, How much they paying you breh? :russ:

2 questions Czar...
Czar what color is Maroon?
What people were called Maroons?

white folks aren't red...also this debunks all of that cacology that you subscribe to when it comes to the bible.

This proves that Shem, Ham, and Japheth were all indeed black once they got off that boat breh. Something (or Someone) changed their skin through was the Nephilim & their offspring.

cry moar :to:

I see @iLLaV3 is back to get ethered some more... and still using the theory of evolution to prove his points.

I low key caught you using that question in the "Hebrew Israelite" thread. I figured I'd leave you to your ignorance, but apparently that made you assume you were right.

Thing is, Maroon is the shortened english translation of the spanish term cimarrón, which they gave to the fugative slaves in the Americas and Caribbean. The term itself was incorporated from the taino word simaran, which means wild. The actually color maroon is granate in spanish.ón#Spanish

But let's play with your color theory.

Why did the spanish call the moors morenos or moros for short? Many moors were the same color as the West African slaves. Then again, why did they refer to the slaves as negros or black?

You can't use the excuse that they "didn't know the difference"


Cause Spain is right next to Africa.

Even more interesting, why didn't they refer to any of the Sephardic jews living in their country by any of those titles?

Google searching the color maroon will bring you differing shades. Of course you're gonna pick the darkest one. Why not mention maroon is actually the skin tone of the native americans? Who weren't black.
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Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
I see @iLLaV3 is back to get ethered some more.

I low key caught you using that question in the "Hebrew Israelite" thread. I figured I'd leave you to your ignorance, but apparently that made you assume you were right.

Thing is, Maroon is the shortened english translation of the spanish term cimarrón, which they gave to the fugative slaves in the Americas and Caribbean. The term itself was one they incorporated from the taino word simaran, which means wild. The actually color maroon is granate in spanish.

I see you never answered the two questions because it exposes the lie of who Is actually 'red'. this is all I needed from you, carry on :pachaha:


Jun 28, 2013
I see you never answered the two questions because it exposes the lie of who Is actually 'red'. this is all I needed from you, carry on :pachaha:

The problem with all your arguments is they range from inductive to deductive depending on who you're disagreeing with. You rely too heavily on appeals to emotion, and when all else fails, you present straw man arguments.

Your logical fallacies don't allow you to use critical thinking.