It was 14 hundred years ago, around the world everyone and their moma had slaves, don't be niaive. Also the slavery of other nations wasn't exactly the same as the Slavery in America (which mind you is the worst manifestation of slavery ever) these sick cacs even raped their male slaves. Islam had to deal with many issues including slavery, rules where set on how one is to deal with his slaves, you can not mistreat a slave. Slavery was originally established by the Jews and Christans their books even condone it. In Islam the only scenario where someone might become a slave is if they are a POW, no ransom is paid and he dosnt accept Islam and isn't of the people of the book. Everyone else is off bounds. Secondly there are many sins you can obsolve yourself from by freeing a slave, such as missing days of compulsory fasting and other things. You basically had companions of the prophet (PBUH) racing each other and hunting down slaves to free, until there was no more slavery. Also slaves had many rights, the children of slaves could not be slaves. Most of the caliphs during the Ummayd and Abbasid dynasties where the sons of slave mothers. Please educate yourself before you start running your mouths. Now any Muslim or Arab that practiced slavery and mistreated slaves did so on their own, there is nothing Islamic about modern slavery. I'm a black Muslim I know lots of Arabs are racist and I don't even get along with them. Just because I'm Muslim dosent mean I Cape for Ayrabs
This is utter bullshyt, Arabs treated their slaves way worse than CACS and Arabs enslaved blacks for a much longer time. Look what they did 10 Facts About The Arab Enslavement Of Black People Not Taught In Schools - Atlanta Blackstar
Great! You have a high IQ! Read the Quran and maybe we can discuss it. Maybe you're intellect will give you insight on the Quran that I don't have.
I recommend you don't judge a religion based on rag tag psychopaths with guns and bombs.
I wouldn't judge Christianity based on pedophile Catholic priests and those are actually people who are viewed as authority figures and some of the most knowledgable.
Look 10 Facts About The Arab Enslavement Of Black People Not Taught In Schools - Atlanta Blackstar they are so good people that they removed black males genitalia they sound like wonderful people can't wait to join