@Art Barr your old ass don’t even leave the house. You have never been to an ring of honor event. You don’t watch njpw you weren’t watching chikara or trash ass czw. You weren’t going to live events. You don’t buy merchandise. You never went on rf video or ordered shytty as dvds from roh. You can’t tell me shyt about quality wrestling in ring or characters because you legit don’t leave the house. You can talk all that hip hop rah rah restoring the feeling but you just want to fall for this delusional on the spectrum goofy shyt and hats fine. But you can’t dispute a fukking fact and just want to deflect and cape, which I’ve said for years is fine...
But to mystify this boy Bryan like he was prime Eddie or prime Benoit or peak cm punk or even current aj styles
He’s not better then five of the best in Japan. He’s not as charismatic as majority of stars and got cooked every single time a decent heel stood in front of him. His best heel run he was a comedian goofball and even in roh he was decent as a heel. Bryan at his peak was a good gimmick on a good wrestler and came at the perfect time after punk got killed for stepping outside the Wwe box and shaking up the Wwe with one mic segment. Bryan was given angle after angle after angle his entire four year run in the Wwe. Even him getting fired initially was storylined so he could team with cena vs nexus. He won every title belt in 3 years, but nikkas think he deserved even more.
You can’t even name five Bryan matches that undoubtedly can support this claim on his excellently work rate. Dude was good but y’all talk like he was Bret Hart making history every time in the ring. His peak was on top of a cage doing he yes chant and beating three of he biggest names in Wwe history in one night clean and then within a month his body collapsed like it has been doing. I can’t reward a guy for getting hurt every time he’s given the keys. I can’t reward a guy as he best wrestler in the world when he pretty much spams dropkicks. Even his best indie matches weren’t the best indie matches of that era.
Y’all keep attacking me for disagreeing and crying but never once do you guys legit refute this shyt I’m saying and I usually let y’all live and circle jerk at this conspiracy theory corny shyt but chill on the slander because y’all really ain’t out here going to events, buying merch, or supporting these guys outside of letting
@R=G circle jerk his dumb ass narratives wih meltzer ratings threads.
Especially you
@Art Barr you old nonsensical contradiction stay rambling about jack shyt
“Scott Steiner and brother Rick throughout their tenure in technicality brought forth extreme catastrophe for decades and deservingly triumphed indubitably” fukk out of here