It is what it is, fact of the matter is modern hip-hop sonically does not have the leeway to take the risks it did 20 years ago. I grew up during the Aafrika Bambaata era, I was about 8 or 9 when Soul Sonic Force joint dropped and I thought he was making music from outer space and shyt. That being said, when Biz lost that sampling case, it shot the production game in the heart in a lot of ways. I don't have a huge problem with the hip-hop of today, is it a little more euro-electro and r and b heavy, yes. But it as also led to more more thoughtful and introspective lyrics. Furthermore theres plenty of new stuff that still uses the older boom bap sounds of yesteryear, and then there was the hipster-hop era from like 2008-2011 that replicated the beat breaks of the 80's. But hey time only moves in one direction.