I never thought she was all that cute.Even back in the day.My uncle used to dabble in the concert promotion biz.
He was in them Hollywood circles heavy.Knew Jasmine very well.Every time he came to visit, he'd mention something
about celeb chicks he met.Wasn't no "illuminati conspiracy" stuff.Just typical guy shyt.Me and my brother would tell him
whatever celeb chick we thought was cute, and he'd drop lil nuggets of information about them.I never said anything
about Jasmine Guy, but my uncle would always tell me "If Jasmine saw you, she'd go stark raving mad!!Yeeeaahhhhh
you her type!

"...He would always tell me that bullshyt.I really didn't care to hear it because she was twice my age,
plus I never found her all that attractive.He told me Chaka Khan used to ride his nuts.I would've took her over Jasmine