Wow... @MurderSheWrote and her husband made this video?
Insinuating if that is in fact a woman, she's actually married.

Wow... @MurderSheWrote and her husband made this video?
This highlights another important issue. Why are black people so quick to forgive their enemies? Remember the racist incident Oprah had in Switzerland? She later apologized for does that make any sense?
Meanwhile you have Jews today who track down anyone who has ties to the SS and their descendants.
...all because she hugged a white man. Not only is this retarded and beyond offensive, I really have to question your guys' intelligence given that its obvious a lot of these type posters are white kids who are adopting extreme caricatured personas of "pro-blackness" in an effort to make asses out of you and get your riled up against black women (they wont go after black men 'cause they know they'll get banned)
Lol.. @No_bammer_weed ... I never said anything close to what u posted.... ever. And regardless of how many woman or non black posters dap you , It doesn't mean that all the black male posters are as extreme as your feminist brain likes to pretend they are.
Lol@ at someone is gonna get banned just for calling something out about black men. If that was the case you'd be banned long ago , as ur the equivalent to a female poster.
Regardless of all that, we know who the cacs and black posters are.. im more worried about the black posters who use the word militant and rally against any opinion they view as pro black.
I didn't comment on the video in the op... but as far as the video I did post about....
Come da fukk on. Stop being a fakkit..... there are things that people do shyt even fakkits like you shouldn't defend.![]()
And fyi, plenty of black men support n defend black women..... feminism is simply the sign of a dying community. Notice most the woman who really are pro black reject that bullshyt.
Lashing out with all these kiddie ass insults isnt exactly masculine....Grow the fukk up. How old are you?
And I didnt say that YOU said the woman should be killed for hugging a white man, I was saying that the fact you called me out and not these extreme crazy comments calling for her death tells me where your head is at.
I guess the fact that you feel her act of hugging someone deserves vicious attacks is reflective of the way you view life and other humans. I genuinely feel sorry for you. Your type and that of white supremacists who rant and rave online about other groups are simply two sides of the same coin.
Sister Dragonfly approached a Ferguson officer and held up the sign, but the officer continuously looked away. Finally, she yelled out that he should make eye contact with her and look at the sign.
Silently, the officer looked at her, but he seemed unable to say anything to defend the actions of Ferguson area police officers who have been cracking down on peaceful protesters of the Mike Brown shooting by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.
“Why do you all hate us so much?” Dragonfly pleaded, asking why the Ferguson and St. Louis area police officers seem to hate members of the African American community.
But the officer replied, “I don’t hate you, ma’am.”
Obviously surprised by the answer, she said: “I don’t want to hate you, I’d rather hug you.”
The officer who seemed to feel remorse for the racist behavior of so many fellow officers said simply: “Then hug me.”
Dragonfly then put her arms around the officer and the two hugged for nearly a minute.
:upathetic: (I don't know what this would look like, but it would resemble you).
Ya'll have fun.
:upathetic: (I don't know what this would look like, but it would resemble you).
Ya'll have fun.