. It's not diverse. All the IB firms do all this affirmative action and equal opportunity big talk to make it SEEM like they're diverse but it's B.S check the directory of every main IB firm. There's like 4 black people per 100 whites.
They like EVERYONE but blacks. The tipping point was this week. I've been working with a black charity which helps place black kids in Wall Street bank internships. These kids are smart, have experience and we spend months prepping them interviews. Only one of them secured a role.
Mean while I have this new intern shadowing me today he is dumb as a brick and lacks basic common sense and he is somehow there.
I've been observing that in every division there's the same pattern (2 black men, 2 black women and that's it). I'm pretty certain they're only there to fill a quota.
and legalities