is there a ladies gym thread out? (Question/Rant)


Nov 5, 2015
but.... :mjcry:
that's my biggest fear. I have issues with sticking with things, but tbh I feel like i'm too grown to be doing that shyt.

Girl...I can't dance for shyt :laff:

I'll look into meal planning. In general my issue is my diet. It's not that I pack in mountains of junk food all day everyday...I simply don't get the right calories. I don't eat breakfast at all (don't wake up early enough to do that), and usually i'd get a snack on my break at work and then have my full meal when I get home (which is between 8-11pm depending on the shift). Sometimes I'd simply have a glass of juice for some sustenance before I head out the door. In terms of fitness... if I'm not walking to the bus stop from the stop into work and vice versa, I'm usually at home in bed recovering from the work day. Often if i'm too tired I'd just get something quick to eat for dinner.

so...there's a synopsis of me.

is there something funny?

I can't dance either but when I'm by myself I'm a pro



Feb 20, 2013
Any of y'all ladies take supplements? I want to get back on it but I feel like it's pointless and dangerous since I was taking so many at some point in time. I was taking maca root, probiotic, fish oil, multi vitamin, b3, hair skin and nails, and bone meal powder. Is this too much and if no can I take more and if yes, what other supplements are good?
Nov 18, 2016
Walk for an hr ma. And the whole meal prep thing is for people who are doing bodybuiling contest.

Portion control is the key when it comes to meals.
Nov 18, 2016
Walking is so underrated. Like seriously. I live in Chicago and walk damn near everywhere- the grocery store, post office, library, museum, anywhere. If its doesn't take over 1.5 hrs, I walk it. Often I walk over 2 hrs/day running errands. I put my kid in the stroller, bundle up, and we're off. My daughter loves it. She's always asking if we can walk more. I lose weight without trying or thinking about it. People are always amazed at how much I walk but its gotten to the point that I feel really disappointed if I dont get a few hrs in. It really brings me peace and joy.

I also eat anything I want but very small portions. I tested myself and realized after a few bites the hunger is gone, its just your mind wanting more. Then I have to ask myself "ok why does my mind want this?" Sometimes its boredom, anxiety, lonliness, etc. Most times its boredom so I check my list of shyt I Can Do Besides Eat. Yes, thats a real list I have. I do something on the list and promise if afterwards Im still wanting the rest of the food I can have it. I usually don't think about the food again until I see it in the fridge.

I also do intermittent fasting. fukk breakfast, Im not hungry before Noon so I dont eat until Noon. I will juice tho just to get my greens (I am BIG on skincare and greens make skin gorgeous!)

Im sure this isn't the best way to lose/maintain weight but its worked for me.
Breakfast is important but you got the formula down:wow:


Sep 9, 2013
I made a super long post about my weight loss on another forum. I actually wanted us to start a challenge, but I don't want to post pictures here because these guys are ruthless and will save your pictures for God knows what.

@KOOL-AID :wtb:

Anyhoo...I'm going to find it and post it. I'll be back!

ETA: I found it! Most of it is no duh info, but that's what really helped me honestly. It's super long lol. It was a thread about binge eating.

So I've pretty much had this problem forever. This year I've lost 45 pounds and have completely changed my appetite.

No lie, it's HARD! I don't count calories, but instead try to plan colorful plates. If you think about most of the delicious foods they are all mostly the same bland colors, unless of course there's food coloring in them. Beige (potatoes, bread), white (more bread, sugar, pasta), etc. I was adding greens, and even tried out some other colorful veggies like rainbow carrots, white asparagus and rainbow chard.

A lot of the things I did most people already know about, but I'll list them anyway.

-Always eat breakfast!

This became pretty easy. At the beginning of the week I would bring a bag of frozen fruit, juice, and spinach/kale to work and make a smoothie. I bought two of those personal sized blenders and left one at work and one at home. I have a giant vitamix and it's just so cumbersome, at times I wouldn't want to use it simply because I didn't feel like cleaning it. I also use super greens powder which really helped with my regularity. After all has been said and done, being regular keeps my weight down. I also keep a box of organic oatmeal for the days when I don't feel like smoothies.

-Don't punish yourself!

I used to try and punish myself for having cheat days and what not. This is useless for me at least. I'm not trying to diet, I'm trying to change my eating style so punishing yourself IMO doesn't lend itself well to that. Everything in moderation is key to me. I never stopped eating cheese and bread, just not as much. I would think of it instead as a reward. Just making it into a positive really helped. While I still ate cookies and cake, I would only eat a slice or one cookie.

-Keep track of your progress!

This was probably the easiest thing I did that really helped me lose the weight. I weighed myself EVERYDAY. I know many suggest the opposite of this, but for me it helped tremendously. I kept a notebook by my scale and wrote down my weight everyday and measurements once a week. This helped me see what I was doing wrong and what was working. I will say I have a digital scale that measures out to the tenth so that helped to see progress.

-Don't eat unless you're hungry!

This is easier said than done. I was eating out of habit. If it was lunch time I would eat even if I wasn't hungry. While I always would eat breakfast regardless, the other meals don't need to be so consistent for me. While I would snack on healthy things (mainly nuts, dried/fresh fruit, yogurt, and hummus) I tried to keep that to minimum as well as it can get out of hand. To prevent over in eating snacks, I prepackaged them in small portions and bought ONE portion a day to work. That way you don't have the temptation of eating more throughout the day and you'll ration yourself. Even when I go out to eat, I eyeball how much half a portion is and eat that. Once I'm done, I would stop for a bit and see if I actually still wanted food. For the most part I didn't. Also, when I would feel hungry I would first drink water and wait about 15-20 minutes. If I'm still hungry after that, I'll eat.

-Stay consistent!

I can't tell you how many times I've started and stopped doing this. This one is pretty self explanatory. I also made sure to keep my vitamins in the car or at work. That way I always have them. I was taking fiber, acidophilus, spirulina, and l cysteine (for my hair :smile:). This was back to me speaking of being regular for the most part. And my hair and nails have been growing like crazy! I did just cut off a lot of my hair because I want to keep my ends in good shape, but I was actually surprised at how quickly my hair grew after I chopped it all off in January. I was able to put it in a respectable ponytail up until a few days ago!

-Meal prep!

I would try (sometimes I failed at this lol) and make all my food for the week and put them in Tupperware so I could just grab and go. I bought smaller Tupperware than the ones I initially had so I could have better portioned meals.

-Don't stress yourself!

If you eat a cookie, oh well. Just don't eat 8! Lol I would dread the feeling after eating cookies or sweets, but like I said, I'm not dieting. I could never not eat cookies so I just had a cookie that day. I would just try not to eat too badly the other days.

I know this was long and most of the stuff is no duh info, but it really helped me and this is the smallest I've been in YEARS! Not just that, I feel better. I'm at the point now where I hate that full feeling I used to chase and I just eat until I'm not hungry anymore. My appetite has completely changed. It took awhile and it was hard to get used to, but once you've been doing it for awhile it's super simple!

Good luck ladies. Hope this helped someone!
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Regine Hunter

Captain Fupa
Dec 14, 2013
Walking is so underrated. Like seriously. I live in Chicago and walk damn near everywhere- the grocery store, post office, library, museum, anywhere. If its doesn't take over 1.5 hrs, I walk it. Often I walk over 2 hrs/day running errands. I put my kid in the stroller, bundle up, and we're off. My daughter loves it. She's always asking if we can walk more. I lose weight without trying or thinking about it. People are always amazed at how much I walk but its gotten to the point that I feel really disappointed if I dont get a few hrs in. It really brings me peace and joy.

I also eat anything I want but very small portions. I tested myself and realized after a few bites the hunger is gone, its just your mind wanting more. Then I have to ask myself "ok why does my mind want this?" Sometimes its boredom, anxiety, lonliness, etc. Most times its boredom so I check my list of shyt I Can Do Besides Eat. Yes, thats a real list I have. I do something on the list and promise if afterwards Im still wanting the rest of the food I can have it. I usually don't think about the food again until I see it in the fridge.

I also do intermittent fasting. fukk breakfast, Im not hungry before Noon so I dont eat until Noon. I will juice tho just to get my greens (I am BIG on skincare and greens make skin gorgeous!)

Im sure this isn't the best way to lose/maintain weight but its worked for me.
thank you so much.


Nov 5, 2015
Any of y'all ladies take supplements? I want to get back on it but I feel like it's pointless and dangerous since I was taking so many at some point in time. I was taking maca root, probiotic, fish oil, multi vitamin, b3, hair skin and nails, and bone meal powder. Is this too much and if no can I take more and if yes, what other supplements are good?

I'm trying to find some maca root, do you see any results? :lupe:

For exercise I take a pre-workout and alpha amino, yesterday I bought some pure isolate protein.

Other supplements I take are fish oil (but haven't been taking them recently), ultra mega multivitamin, primrose oil, progesterone cream, melatonin and flaxseed.

You know your body body more than anyone so you just have to gauge the supplements you take carefully. I try to make sure I'm getting something that isn't going to cancel the other out.


Feb 20, 2013
I'm trying to find some maca root, do you see any results? :lupe:

For exercise I take a pre-workout and alpha amino, yesterday I bought some pure isolate protein.

Other supplements I take are fish oil (but haven't been taking them recently), ultra mega multivitamin, primrose oil, progesterone cream, melatonin and flaxseed.

You know your body body more than anyone so you just have to gauge the supplements you take carefully. I try to make sure I'm getting something that isn't going to cancel the other out.
When I did take it, I was really energized throughout the day. I stopped taking it cuz my boobs were getting bigger and they would hurt.