This is it! The big one! The bottom of the bottom society. If you want a good laugh please check them out. Every stereotype you can imagine fits them perfectly.
The place is filled with high school/college dropouts, minimum wage US minorities who hate on capitalism (because they are too lazy to work harder) and of course see racism everywhere. Anyone rich to them is either a racist or a sellout. A very typical mindset that marginal society has on the higher class.
They even have a forum section named "higher learning", giving you idea that the place is so low-IQ they have to name a section, where people have a normal regular discussion, as the "higher learning". And even that place is horrible, it's filled with conspiracy theories, because that's how bottom of society imagines the higher education looks like. They know nothing happening outside of their country or state they live obviously a conspiracy theory is a quick cheat code to pretend you are smart in front of other low IQ trolls.
The sports talk barely exist there, it's usualy an exchange of insults and of course their music taste is the worst of the worst - a murderous mumbling with some cheap hip-hop instrumental that took about a hour to make. It's PIFF like they say. The place is dominated by gossip talk. It's mostly black population there, but some white people there love to pretend they are black. A rathern embarrassing cosplay hobby to have.
It's so bad out there you can do nothing but just laugh at them.
Date of experience: November 15, 2022