Also it's good to have a black space where whiteness isn't forced on you all the damn time.
Whiteness is projected as the standard in society 247 and 365 days a year, and many people (including black folks and non whites) do not question that. Its projected as the standaed in beauty, the standard in technology, the standard in human interactions, the standard in names and languages when it comes to origins...i actually have to go out of my way to have all black programming on my TV with Youtube and having media sources that report on black issues. White people can just turn on any old channel on the TV and theres the news and everything else delivered by people who look like them and their family members. And we're just not supposed to question that at all from their perspective. We're not supposed to question racism or white supremacy or white privilege...we're just supposed to accept them.
so, when you get a group of black people congregating amongst themselves and questioning this, it makes the dominant society wary. Very wary.
I joined the coli because I migrated here from SOHH, but before then I used to post on UGHh and that was the MOST racist forum I ever posted on. Got called the N word with a hard er from white posters a number of times. Even threatened to beat the brakes off some racist white sf dude for that shyt and he alerted the mods to delete his own thread he called me out in. There were less than 30 black members. On a hip hop board. That shyt was oathetic. The userbase was so fukking racist i even wondered why they were even fans of black music if they hated black people so much.
And when I discovered SOHH in 2006...I was so enthralled and enthusiastic to be posted amongst like minded black people who were actually questioning racism and white supremacy at a time when I was a young black man in college just figuring out America, the world, and my place in both.
People have to understand that racism anti-blackness and white supremacy is just very commonplace and deeply rooted within white culture. They're not used to having their viewpoints challenged and they think that white is right because they control the media and that is what society tells everybody to think.
But of course when they see a place like the collie where black people are talking about fighting back against white supremacy and talking about dealing with racism and recognizing micro aggressions and macro aggressions that makes them upset.
Because deep down inside, I truly believe white people and non blacks believe that black people are there for them to be disrespected and abused whenever they feel like it as if we're human punching bags...and we're supposed to just stand there and take it.
There's an underlying and unwritten ethos in society that white people and non black people ought to be respected and acknowledged as full human beings. Meanwhile, black people are not to be respected at all and their humanity is to constantly be put into question.
The bottom line is they hate seeing their behavior dissected and criticized by people that aren't them, where they are forced to look at their actions in hindsight.