I never had a Wii remote capable of playing Skyward Sword so i skipped it. i just saw the IGN review and they gave this game a perfect 10 and said flat out its the best Zelda game ever made. are they tripping or is it really that good?
its pretty good ... the motion controls get really old though... I still haven't finished it because its a pain in the ass to play at times when you have to swing your arms and shyt
i just saw the IGN review and they gave this game a perfect 10 and said flat out its the best Zelda game ever made.
i know oot is the better game, but i gotta give theto a link to the past.
Sometimes i think Ocarina gets so much credit because it modernized Zelda and ever since then they've basically rehashed that game while trying to apply different gimmicks to it. i probably played 1/3 of Twilight Princess 1/2 of Wind Waker and never touched Skyward Sword.Make no mistake , skyward sword is the worst Zelda game ever made by Nintendo. Totally unworthy of the Zelda name, and should never be mentioned next to the GOAT ocarina of time
The good reviews were payola and nostalgia
Sometimes i think Ocarina gets so much credit because it modernized Zelda and ever since then they've basically rehashed that game while trying to apply different gimmicks to it. i probably played 1/3 of Twilight Princess 1/2 of Wind Waker and never touched Skyward Sword.
I think i'll replay the two i never finished but play them in reverse order and start with Skyward Sword before those two.
I feel the same way but that doesn't matter cause this game is still ass and doesn't even stand up to those games you mentioned.
If your like me and you played Zelda games for the feeling of adventuring across a mysterious land, and discovering new places then sucks cause that's all gone, the motion controls are suppose to make up for it but they don't. More times than not the controls won't work properly( if you've ever tried that dumb ass bomb rolling machanic then you know what I mean)
That game is probably the best Wii game and a top 10 JRPG of all time. The plot of that game is insane and it just keeps trying to one up itself right to the very end. I envy you being able to play through it for the first time. I wish I had an RPG that good in my backlog.Ive had xenoblade sitting here for a while havent played it yet
how good is it ?