The James toney fight is absolutely amazing. Its like watching Ali in the Foreman fight except he didn't need the ropes..just genius shyt. Watching the 01 Lakers decimate everyone in the playoffs with only one loss. Toney could not hit this guy clean..undefeated Toney..slick Toney..defensive Master Toney. Quite a sight.I have to say yes. I watched a lot of boxing but Jones is the first one whose career I really tracked. I thought it was normal for elite fighters to pitch complete shut outs on the regular. He wasn't just easily beating guys but it was rare for a long stretch for Jones to even lose rounds. I don't care what's said about the level of competition. A lot of guys he was 12-0'ing were solid professional boxers and not nearly as bad as they were painted out to be. I just wish he wasn't so risk adverse and stepped on the pedal more to go for knockouts to finish off more of his flawless performances. There aren't many boxers that could stand his power if they came in going for broke or willing to eat so many clean punches to really fight the fight that would be needed to beat him.