Is Michael Jackson the most conscious/pro-black MAINSTREAM artist we've ever had?

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
Why would MJ shyt on Trump when the man was staying at his property...and were hanging out in 94 while working on History...and then 96 gonna come around and MJ is gonna shyt on Trump?

Come on man....

This what MJ's producer at the time said about the Trump lyrics

Donald Trump and Michael Jackson: The full story behind a mysterious friendship | Michael Jackson Book - Making Michael by Mike Smallcombe
But Brad Buxer, who worked on the song as a producer and musician, says there was never a falling out between the pair and that the lyrics were not meant as a personal attack on Trump.

"I was around Michael Jackson constantly, and we talked about everything," Buxer said. "There was no falling out between him and Donald Trump; Michael thought the world of him. Michael loved and greatly admired successful people, and was truly inspired by Trump. He thought he was an amazing businessman, respected him greatly and liked him very much.

"He would have called out Donald Trump's name out of respect and admiration. Sometimes in Michael's music his lyrics and their meaning would be misunderstood. 'They Don't Care About Us' is an example where some people thought his lyrics were racist."

Michael Jackson admired Henry Ford...a known Nazi sympathizer.. and Walt Disney...a racist....why wouldn't he admire Trump...

Why would Kanye be considered more pro-black than Michael knowing what he's been up to over the past decade? :martin:
May 16, 2012
Newsflash. Every race was dark skinned except for CACs. They got dark Arabs in the middle east now. That dont mean they are black aka negroes :stopitslime:

Those are obviously whites. I ain't talking bout them. And if you actually read my link and look at the quotes I posted, you will know they are not referring to people like them. That picture is from the 1900s. By then whites had become widespread in Arabia. What I'm talking about is Arabs from the time when Islam was created. In that time, the majority of the people who were considered "Arab" were black.

The original inhabitants of Arabia didn't just have dark skin. They also had nappy hair. Go and read that thread I posted. The identity of what makes an Arab was not just dark skin but also kinky hair. The Arabized muslims from the Levant also described the inhabitants of Arabia as belonging to "Bilad Al-Sudan". Which in Arabic means "Land of the Blacks". And it was defined as not only Africa but also Arabia.

Its obvious that you're either some white man or a brotha that has been brainwashed by white supremacy. Stop listening to modern day whites to tell you about what is true.

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
I love Michael and I will always be his fan but let’s be real here.. Michael was such a huge artist that even with him making pro-black statements and pro-black videos, he still tried to appease his white audience. If he was really as pro-black as some people are claiming, he would not have married certain women nor would his kids be what they are. He’s still the GOAT and nothing can change that.
May 16, 2012
What was the logic behind straightening his hair, the nose jobs, the lip jobs and and bleaching of his skin? :jbhmm:

Do you have any family members with vitiligo? I have one. And although her case is only minor, it does turn parts of her skin white. Now because her white marks are small, she can use makeup to cover them up so it matches the rest of her skin color. With more severe cases, the only thing you can do to stop from looking like a polka dot mess is to do what Mike did and just bleach it to being one uniform color. Maybe if you knew people with vitiligo and how it affects them you wouldn't be saying dumb shyt like this.

With regard to the nose jobs, its been documented that Mike's father would make fun of his nose. Its been something Mike was insecure about his entire life. I doubt it was in an effort to look white. It was more about the insecurity he had given his father's abusive behavior. By the end of his life, he barely even had a nose anymore. Are there white people that look like that? Or was it just a guy with some insecurity that went a lil too far? Unlike ya'll, I don't try to judge or condemn Mike for his insecurities. Those don't make him anti-black. They just make him human.

With regard to his hair, are you conveniently gonna ignore the damage that Pepsi accident had to his head and hair? I've the pictures and his entire scalp was fukked up. I doubt Mike could even grow hair anymore after that accident. Doesn't surprise me that he started wearing wigs or whatever that was on his head.
May 16, 2012
He wasn't happy with the way he looked...doesn't mean he hated his race...

The bleaching of his skin has already been addressed for YEARS already...he dealt with the vitiligo his way...rather than walk around with patches on his body he used cream to even out his skin tone.

-The straightening of hair doesn't mean shyt...James Brown,Prince, countless music artists straightened their hair for fashion, more variety of styles I would think.
Not to mention Mike burned most of his scalp during that Pepsi commercial and was wearing hairpieces from 1984 until his death.


I actually have a family member with vitiligo (although the case is mild). And the spots and patches of your skin being two colors is very real. If the case is severe (and it seems that's what Mike had), then the only option is to bleach your skin into one uniform white color rather than looking like a polka dot mess.

And thank you for mentioning the part of about the Pepsi accident. I've seen those pictures and Mike's scalp was almost entirely burned off. I doubt he could even grow hair after that. I'm guessing he was just wearing wigs from that point on.

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
Why would MJ shyt on Trump when the man was staying at ..


bruh. I'm fully aware of the relationship between MJ and Trump, even the article you mention says that the song took a shot at Trump

that song was inspired by his lifelong dealings with shady business people, it doesn't mean they were friends or liked each other...

none of us reading this knows the real relationship between MJ and Trump, they had a mutual respect for one another but clearly they weren't the best of friends.
May 16, 2012
How did he go from nappy hair to straight hair :skip:

But he was pro black

How old are you? Given your obsession with LeBron I'm guessing some lil kid. Go and look up the pictures of Mike's head after the Pepsi accident. His entire scalp was nearly burned off. I doubt he could even grow any hair after that.

What you want him to do? Wear giant afro wigs for the rest of his life?


Apr 15, 2017
How old are you? Given your obsession with LeBron I'm guessing some lil kid. Go and look up the pictures of Mike's head after the Pepsi accident. His entire scalp was nearly burned off. I doubt he could even grow any hair after that.

What you want him to do? Wear giant afro wigs for the rest of his life?

The way you dikk ride Kobe you can’t be talking shyt about anyone :mjlol:


Jan 1, 2018
Mike was beyond woke but you've got to be on his frequency to be able to perceive it. He literally sprinkled jewels throughout all of his albums and visuals for those that have the eyes to see and ears to hear and was slick enough to get the messages intact past the gatekeepers to the masses who, as usual, mainly slept.

Here's just one example:

[Verse 1]
Ignorance of people purchasing diamonds and necklaces
And barely able to keep the payments up on their lessons
And enrolled in a class and don't know who the professor is
How low people go for the dough and make a mess of things?

Kids are murdering other kids for the fun of it
Instead of using their mind or their fist, they put a gun in it
Wanna be a part of a clique, don't know who's running it
Tragedy on top of tragedy you know it's killing me
So many people in agony, this shouldn't have to be
Too busy focusing on ourselves and not His Majesty
There has to be some type of change for this day and age
We gotta rearrange and flip the page
Living encased like animals and cannibals
Eating each other alive just to survive the nine to five
Every single day is trouble while we struggle and strive
Peace of mind's so hard to find

I wanna shout, throw my hands up and shout
What's this madness all about?
All this makes me wanna shout
You know it makes me wanna shout
Throw my hands up and shout
What's this madness all about?
All this makes me wanna shout, come on now

[Verse 2]
Problems, complications and accusations
Dividing the nations and races of empty faces, a war is taking place
No substitution for restitution, the only solution for peace
Is increasing the height of your spirituality

Masses of minds are shrouded, clouded visions
Deceptions and indecision, no faith or religion, how we're living
The clock is ticking, the end is coming, there'll be no warning
But we live to see the dawn

How can we preach, when all we make this world to be
Is a living hell torturing our minds?

We all must unite, to turn darkness to light
And the love in our hearts will shine

[Verse 3]
We're disconnected from love, we're disrespecting each other
Whatever happened to protecting each other
Poisoned your body and your soul for a minute of pleasure
But the damage that you've done is gonna last forever
Babies being born in the world already drug addicted and afflicted
Family values are contradicted, ashes to ashes and dust to dust
The pressure is building and I've had enough

I wanna shout, throw my hands up and shout
What's this madness all about?
All this makes me wanna shout
You know it makes me wanna shout
Throw my hands up and shout
What's this madness all about?
All this makes me wanna shout, come on now

[Verse 4]
Problems, complications and accusations
Dividing the nations and races of empty faces, a war is taking place
No substitution for restitution, the only solution for peace
Is increasing the height of your spirituality
Masses of minds are shrouded, clouded visions
Deceptions and indecision,
no faith or religion, how we're living
The clock is ticking, the end is coming, there'll be no warning
But we live to see the dawn

I wanna shout, throw my hands up and shout
What's this madness all about?
All this makes me wanna shout
You know it makes me wanna shout
Throw my hands up and shout
What's this madness all about?
All this makes me wanna shout, come on now

Tell me he didn't serve up some Ether to pretty much all of the modern world and the people in it there? Also remember this is the cat that was talking about planetary alignments and the effects of individual consciousness on mass reality in 1987 before y'all knew what a Mayan was and a load of other examples.

Cat was heavy on the lessons for his people which is why he's a multidimensional legend in my eyes and one I'm glad I got to witness.


Nostalgia Junkie
May 15, 2014
Yeah, it's arguable and not as crazy as it might seem.

Michael had Farrakhan, dikk Gregory, and Sebi in his circle. He also had Johnnie on the payroll before he was a household name. There's a lot there. Michael had a foot in the conscious and square black movements.

PE was huge but let's not overstate their status just because OP understated their fame, after their commercial height 89-92, they took a massive nosedive. By 94, PE had fallen off as the scene was changing.