He's obviously funny.As a matter of fact, he's a lot funnier than a lot of these comedians that ya'll overrate just because they're older and have been doing it for longer or not as big as he is right now. He's one of the people that are naturally funny - he can take a bad joke and deliver it in a way that's hilarious.
I love the people that are saying Patrice O'Neal just because it's the popular thing to do. I love Patrice as much as the next guy but his stand-up was never that great - it was his interviews that were funny.
The fact that this hasn't been said means that most of you haven't even seen it but are just saying it just to sound like you know what you're talking about.
Katt Williams?
Gtfoh please - he was the fad of the month for a while and dropped off the face of the earth.
I do not like Kat Williams but i would never say he was a fad. That dude had his audience and his shows were sold out.