Is it wrong to send kids to private school?


Jun 8, 2012
May 3, 2012
what is wrong is the government telling anybody where they should go to school, the public school system should be eliminated and replaced with charter schools and vouchers and complete school choice

Do charter schools run on public money, as they do in the Uk, if so shouldn't the people putting the money up (DoE) have a say in how the school is run. Do you believe in accountability?

Whats your opinion on faith schools, should Saudi Arabia be allowed to set up schools in America?

What if a charter school is set up by China teaching Communism, is that cool?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Do charter schools run on public money, as they do in the Uk, if so shouldn't the people putting the money up (DoE) have a say in how the school is run. Do you believe in accountability?

Whats your opinion on faith schools, should Saudi Arabia be allowed to set up schools in America?

What if a charter school is set up by China teaching Communism, is that cool?

charter schools are publicly funded so technically they are public schools, sure i believe in accountability, who doesnt?

im not sure what the point of your last question is, anybody can set up any school in america right now under current law


Jun 23, 2013
I think it's up to the parent, you have public schools that are A & B schools. I would assume that every parents would want their kids to have the best education. I don't think it would change things if they stopped sending their kids to private school. They want what's best for their kids and most likely feel their kids will be around kids whose parents are in the same social class as them. The real question would be why are they A, B, C, D, & F schools and what's going on differently at the C,D, &F. Why are these public schools average and failure schools? Evaulate the A&B schools so the C, D,,F schools can mold to their form of teaching and curriculum.


Jun 8, 2012
I think it's up to the parent, you have public schools that are A & B schools. I would assume that every parents would want their kids to have the best education. I don't think it would change things if they stopped sending their kids to private school. They want what's best for their kids and most likely feel their kids will be around kids whose parents are in the same social class as them. The real question would be why are they A, B, C, D, & F schools and what's going on differently at the C,D, &F. Why are these public schools average and failure schools? Evaulate the A&B schools so the C, D,,F schools can mold to their form of teaching and curriculum.
actually you're wrong. i'll give you an example. i live in a working class area right now. now that also means i live not to far from the hood, where hood kids go to local middle schools and high schools. but i also live a few blocks to a mile away from people with serious doe, not just new money rich, but old money wealthy.

If those people stop sending their kids to private schools. those people being those with money. and they started sending their kids to the local public schools. the local public schools would raise the bar. why? because those parents are more involved then the hoodie parents. we all know this. in addition. those parents have money and connections. if someone with money and connects get on the phone and cry foul, something will get done ASAP. if a broke mother gets on the phone and cries foul. nothing will get done ASAP. thats the difference.

rich people DEMAND certain standards for their kids education. that wouldnt change if they all decided to put their kids in public schools. the teaching would get better, the kids overall would learn more. the entire environment would be safer for kids/teachers etc. on top of that, people with the money to send their kids to private school would save a ton of Cash not having to pay for private school.

and for those that think charter schools are great. statistically speaking as of now. they are no better then public schools. the only time the charter school kids do better. is when the charter school takes over a public school and starts changing who can get in to their school. so they get rid of the dead weight so to speak, which gets rid of dead weight parents that dont involve themselves in the kids learning. and bam their scores go up. of course they do. they have now turned their school from whoever is living near by gets in. to whoever is an elite student/with elite parents get in. sounds like private to me. where does that live the hood kids? OUT the door. so sorry charter schools are not BETTER. now dont think for one min i love public schools the way they are currently ran. i dont.


Jun 8, 2012
there's nothing wrong with going to private school.
in the grand scheme of things. yes there is. if everyone was close to or on equal footing as far as their QUALITY of education. then you would be correct. but thats not the case.

ask yourself a question. if we keep going this route. "well i got the money to blow so i'll send my kid to private school." do you not understand that the public schools will be so bad at helping kids to the point where you will have millions of kids in your city/town/state that are to dumb to get a job, which means they are adults on the streets watching you go to the ATM to get cash out, watching you pull up in the drive thru to get food. you will then turn into FOOD for them. if you dont do anything. they will turn into wolves and you will turn into food.

all those movies showing a dome around the good citizens with money and the poor living on the outskirts is what its going to look like. these movies are based off of reality trends. they just take it to the extreme before it happens. but its happening as we speak. there are more have nots then there has been in decades.

me personally, i would rather have a smarter society as a whole. i would rather have less young adults running around without a reason to live all because i was to afraid to send my kid to a public school to make the public system better for all the locals.

just because you're blessed with a certain level of intelligence. and just because most of you were born into decent families able to afford you a shot at a better life which afforded your kids a shot at a better life. doesnt mean you're not obligated to give back.

you dont have to run a charity to effect change. you dont have to give change... to effect change. you could actually save your money at the private schools. and suck it up. send your kids to that public school around the corner and make it better by your sheer presence.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
actually you're wrong. i'll give you an example. i live in a working class area right now. now that also means i live not to far from the hood, where hood kids go to local middle schools and high schools. but i also live a few blocks to a mile away from people with serious doe, not just new money rich, but old money wealthy.

If those people stop sending their kids to private schools. those people being those with money. and they started sending their kids to the local public schools. the local public schools would raise the bar. why? because those parents are more involved then the hoodie parents. we all know this. in addition. those parents have money and connections. if someone with money and connects get on the phone and cry foul, something will get done ASAP. if a broke mother gets on the phone and cries foul. nothing will get done ASAP. thats the difference.

rich people DEMAND certain standards for their kids education. that wouldnt change if they all decided to put their kids in public schools. the teaching would get better, the kids overall would learn more. the entire environment would be safer for kids/teachers etc. on top of that, people with the money to send their kids to private school would save a ton of Cash not having to pay for private school.

and for those that think charter schools are great. statistically speaking as of now. they are no better then public schools. the only time the charter school kids do better. is when the charter school takes over a public school and starts changing who can get in to their school. so they get rid of the dead weight so to speak, which gets rid of dead weight parents that dont involve themselves in the kids learning. and bam their scores go up. of course they do. they have now turned their school from whoever is living near by gets in. to whoever is an elite student/with elite parents get in. sounds like private to me. where does that live the hood kids? OUT the door. so sorry charter schools are not BETTER. now dont think for one min i love public schools the way they are currently ran. i dont.

you are forgetting that this country is based on individual freedom not communism, its communist to force people to go to a certain type of school


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
in the grand scheme of things. yes there is. if everyone was close to or on equal footing as far as their QUALITY of education. then you would be correct. but thats not the case.

ask yourself a question. if we keep going this route. "well i got the money to blow so i'll send my kid to private school." do you not understand that the public schools will be so bad at helping kids to the point where you will have millions of kids in your city/town/state that are to dumb to get a job, which means they are adults on the streets watching you go to the ATM to get cash out, watching you pull up in the drive thru to get food. you will then turn into FOOD for them. if you dont do anything. they will turn into wolves and you will turn into food.

all those movies showing a dome around the good citizens with money and the poor living on the outskirts is what its going to look like. these movies are based off of reality trends. they just take it to the extreme before it happens. but its happening as we speak. there are more have nots then there has been in decades.

me personally, i would rather have a smarter society as a whole. i would rather have less young adults running around without a reason to live all because i was to afraid to send my kid to a public school to make the public system better for all the locals.

just because you're blessed with a certain level of intelligence. and just because most of you were born into decent families able to afford you a shot at a better life which afforded your kids a shot at a better life. doesnt mean you're not obligated to give back.

you dont have to run a charity to effect change. you dont have to give change... to effect change. you could actually save your money at the private schools. and suck it up. send your kids to that public school around the corner and make it better by your sheer presence.

These are socioeconomic issues that need to be solved before the education system can be fixed into some perfect place.

I think having people from different background(not necessarily saying they're brighter) is good as a whole.
Although when I went to public schools there always different levels of Maths, English, "gifted and talented programs",etc. So even then in the end everyone was still separated.

You're not going to get rid of private schools.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
this thread represents the intellectual dead end and the intellectual famine black people are in, caused by following white liberals, at the end of the day liberalism leaves black people dependent on white people and looking at white people for salvation, white liberalism is the equivalent of white jesus, its poison

instead of pushing for vouchers and charters which will cause an explosion of innovation and creativity with our own schools and our methods of training, threadstarter is following the white liberals to some communist idea of forcing people to do something for the sake of "integration"

white people cannot save us, what will save us is individual freedom, economic freedom and innovation and creativity
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Jun 8, 2012
These are socioeconomic issues that need to be solved before the education system can be fixed into some perfect place.

I think having people from different background(not necessarily saying they're brighter) is good as a whole.
Although when I went to public schools there always different levels of Maths, English, "gifted and talented programs",etc. So even then in the end everyone was still separated.

You're not going to get rid of private schools.
its not about the KIDS. its about the parents involvement.

you guys always say and we all know. the #1 reason schools suck in the hood is because of a lack of parent involvement. now the reality is. again REALITY. not some dream. the reality is that wont change in todays time. it just wont. the best you can do is change the next generation on their way up. So what you have to do to give hood kids a chance is to either put them in all private schools with the kids with parents that are much more involved. or bring those same kids with involved parents to the public schools to make them better. their are GOOD public schools. guess where they are? in Good neighborhoods. you see how that works.

its the parents that bring about change.

what i'm saying is, you could keep your charity money and give charity by giving your effort at the public schools where you know a majority of the hoody kids go to school. you know these parents wont stop going hard for their kids. thats why when you put their kid into a lower level school the school level will be brought up due to the parental involvement. teachers cant have a.. it if parents are banging on the principles door 24/7. principles cant half a.. .it and not give his/her teachers the proper tools if parents are banging on his door and the districts door.

and again those more well to do parents will be saving a boat load of cash.