Okay but what’s the point in being with a man that doesn’t meet your standards? Isn’t it better to be single than settle for a short ugly broke single dad that has no time for you? Especially if that’s not what you want? Or are you the type of person that thinks women should just take any man to avoid being single?
You’re living in extremes...there’s nuance here e.g. he might be tall, handsome, nice car but has a kid....or short, handome, ok car, and a kid. If you ain’t willing to compromise you will be alone at 37, 47, and 57. To me, a woman that is 37 and has never been married or had an LTR and has no kids most likely ain’t shyt. Probably delusional, picky, stubborn and is unable to keep a man. Lastly, I don’t think a Woman needs a Man but if she wants one then she needs to be realistic.
If you want 50 Cent you gotta accept that the ride in the Rolls Royce Cullinan to the finest restaurant in Lagos ain’t gonna be every night. He’s gotta travel and earn the money that affords you those nights plus take care of his kids and etc. A lot of career women want a dude they can tuck under their armpit and if you as a man accept that position they lose respect for you but if you don’t accept it they don’t wanna date you.