Is it true Brian McKnight tossed his black family in the bushes and supports only his new non black family?

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
No its not true

He spoke on his side of events 2-3 years ago

The boys were taken care of financially until they reached young adulthood (24) and Brian told them they had to get real jobs and start supporting themselves as men. This was in response to him giving them a free ride through college and them not taking advantage of the opportunity. The new wife helped get them good jobs at a hospital but they fukked it off and were lazy and ended up getting fired. As a result of this Brian cut them off financially and they responded by tarnishing his name and making him out to be a deadbeat.

The daughter situation it seemed like unfortunately she was abused by one of the mother’s relatives and when he tried to get the proper authorities involved the mother cut him off from contact with the daughter